Drifting (Pt. 3)

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As I walk across the main hall I see the commander talking with Josephine and Leliana. I sit at the end of the long table, close to Varric's normal spot. I pretend to be immersed in the swirling colors of whatever foreign drink was inside, but I cast glances towards the advisors ever so often. His hands are toying with the handle to his sword again, a nervous tick I suppose. He stands with his back straight, watching Leliana as she informs them of Maker knows what.

I draw my eyes away again, trying to not call attention to myself. "Eh, taken a liking to Curly huh?" A voice breaks the silence. I look to my right to see Varric, standing almost eye level with me due to me sitting. "Is it that obvious? I question, hoping Cullen hasn't caught on. "To everyone but Curly? Yeah. But he's got his head so deep in reports and Inquisition work that he doesn't realize it. Either that or he's just that naïve. That might be the case. Either way, I've seen the way you look at him. And I've got a secret," he states. I watch him, expecting him to continue, but he doesn't.

"Well, you said you knew a secret. Are you going to tell me or..?" I question, annoyed with the dwarf's games. "Nah, just thought I'd let you know I knew it. Not gonna tell you what it is though," he chuckles, walking off towards the fire pit again. 'Bloody dwarf and his games. One of these days I'm gonna throw him in that fire pit of his' I silently fume.

Looking back towards the advisors I notice Cullen is walking off back towards his office while Leliana and Josephine are still talking. Cullen notices me, nods his head in acknowledgment and continues on. I feel my face burning from getting caught. When I turn back around I notice Leliana and Josephine both looking at me, Leliana smirking and a big grin plastered across Josephine's face. 'Uh oh. I guess it really is obvious', I think before standing up to leave the main hall.
Being sick with a cold is the worst. I lay in bed, hoping to sleep through most of the cold, but Leliana and Josephine keep sending people up to check on me. After the fourth servant they sent up there was a loud knock on my door. "Ugh. Come in," I groan. The door creaks and I hear two sets of soft footsteps on the stairs. "Inquistitor?" I hear Josephine call.

"Yes?" I say, voice cracking. Turning over so I can face them on the other side of the room I notice they both look guilty of something. "What's going on?" I croak out.

"We're sorry, but neither of us can take care of you for the next couple of days," Josephine starts, fiddling with the ruffles on her sleeves. 'Thank the Maker. Maybe I can finally get some sleep.' "It seems that both of us have had things come up. I have to meet with a noble who is too scared to enter Skyhold," Josephine continues.

"And I have to help some of my agents. But, while we knew we would be gone, we have gotten someone to agree to take care of you while we're gone," Leliana finishes. 'Great. Just when I thought I had escaped..'

"Okay, be safe, have fun, I'll be fine," I mumble, waving a hand at them and turning back over to try and get some more rest. They shuffle back down the stairs, quietly conversing among themselves, and they shut the door behind them as quietly as they can. I turn over on my back staring at the ceiling wondering what I'd done to deserve a fate like this. 'All I want is to sleep. Not have servants poking in every couple of hours. I know they're just trying to help but. I need sleep. That's it.'

I sigh, closing my eyes, listening to the crackling fire, and the soft wind blowing against the windows. Trying to lull myself back to sleep. Right as I being to drift I hear a knock. "Ughhhh! Yes?" I call, sitting up to confront my newest enemy.

"Inquisitor?" a warm, familiar voice calls. I hear his armor rattle with every step he takes up the stairs. First his blonde hair, then his furry pauldrons come up over the bannister. He rounds the corner, and stops noticing me sitting up in bed. "Ah, Josephine and Leliana informed me that I was to care for you while they are gone," he says, glancing at the glowing embers and then back to my face. "Forgive me if I've disturbed you, but I thought I would inform you." He scrunches his face up, feeling bad for waking me.

"No, no. It's fine. I promise," I sigh, "It's just been a long day." I scoot back, sitting up against the wall, crossing my legs and pulling the cover farther up in my lap. "Josephine and Leliana were sending people up all day and wouldn't let me sleep," I say, pushing my (h/c) hair out of my face.

"If you would prefer it I can leave," Cullen states, moving to start back down the stairs.

"No! No, no, you're fine, I promise," I call out just wanting him to stay for awhile. "Are you sure? I can go if you want," he says, moving farther into the room, edging towards the couch off to my right.

"I'm sure," I assure him.

Getting up I, grab the blanket, and move to sit on the rug in front of the rug. Staring out the window towards the mountains, I hear Cullen get up, armor rattling again, as he shifts his weight to sit next to me.

"You know, I don't think we've ever really gotten a chance to sit down and talk since Haven," he sighs, struggling to get comfortable with all the armor.

"I know. Things have been hectic since Haven, scary. Suddenly I go from being a prisoner to commanding the whole Inquisition. How did that happen?" I rub my right eye with the heel of my right hand, looking down at my left palm, at the anchor. "Why did I have to be cursed with this bloody thing? Why do I have to feel the weight of everyone's fate on my shoulders? What if I fail? What if-"

"Stop," he cuts me off. "If you keep on worrying yourself like this you'll make yourself even more sick. We all look up to you, but we will think no less of you if this is too great a burden on you. Please. Stop putting yourself down like this."

I turn to him, his amber eyes even warmer in the firelight, his hair gleaming. 'I wonder if his hair is soft?' I turn my gaze back to the fire. "Tell me, what was it like to be a templar?" I ask, wishing to change the subject.

"Oh. Well.." I listened to him speak of the order, speak of what training they went through, working in a circle. He shied away after talking about the circles, pain flashing through his eyes. 'How I wish I could comfort him.'

But at that I felt my eyes drooping against my will, his words growing further and further away. My body tipped sideways, I shifted to correct myself. After fighting with myself the world became dark as sleep pulled me in.

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