Understanding (Pt. 2 ~Last Pt)

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"Hey Boss," his deep voice rumbles, from in front of me.

"Hey Bull," I manage to squeak out with a small wave. 'I swear, the next time I see that rotten elf I'm gonna kill her. I'm gonna pin her down and force feed her cookies,' I think to myself, looking up at Bull. Most Qunari are around the same height, but apparently I'm short or he's tall because he still towers over me. I have to crane my neck a little to see him from how close I am. I back up some. "Uhm. Sera said you wanted to talk to me?" I ask, avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah. She said you'd been having some.... problems," he starts, "Why don't we go some where a little quieter though." He makes his way around me, heading towards the tavern door. 'Problems? What did she tell him? Oh no. Next time I see her I really am going to kill her.' "You coming Boss?" Bull calls over his shoulder in front of the tavern door.

"I'm coming," I say, rounding the corner of the stair case, and following him. He heads up one of the many paths to the walls. Finding a clear tower top, he leans against a wall and turns towards me.

I look up at him, waiting for his to start, afraid of what he's wanting to talk about. "Sera says that you've been.. uncomfortable around Skyhold lately. And for some reason Sera thinks that I can help," he says, looking down at me. "She said something about people staring, and you feeling upset that they don't accept you."

Relief floods through me. 'She didn't tell him.' "Yeah," I say moving to lean against one of the other walls, "I always catch the people around here staring at me. They pretend not to, but I always catch them. And then people literally move out of the way when they see me coming through, almost as if they're scared I'm going to pick them up and throw them out a window." Turning, I look out across Skyhold, watching all of the work being done to renovate. "Yet, you're a Qunari too. They don't seem as scared of you. They talk to you. They don't avoid you. What I wouldn't give for them to treat me how they treat you."

"Have you ever thought, that maybe they don't treat you like that because you are the Inquisitor, not because you are Qunari?" He asks. I turn, confusion written all over my face, but he's not looking at me, he's looking out over the wall. "Inquisitor is a big role. You have alot of influence. Maybe the people are scared of the power you have, not your physical strength. They may be worried that they'll get on your bad side and have the wrath of the whole Inquisition weighing down on them." I sigh, wishing that what he was saying was a little more reassuring.

"How is that any better? They're still scared. But because I'm Inquisitor, not because I'm Qunari," I can feel my eyes burning, tears building up.

"What I'm trying to say is, even though they may be scared of you. They respect you, they trust you, they look up to you," he says turning towards me.

"Ha," I let out a short laugh, "How can they look up to me and trust me but still be scared?" The tears fall. I turn away, not wanting him to see them.

"Boss, do you think they'd still be here if the didn't? All the things you've done. All the times you've put your life on the line for them? They care, but you're still this big figure in their eyes. Almost how they love and respect gods of their own, but they're scared of disrespecting them, or doing wrong in their eyes," he stops. "Boss? Boss, you okay?" I wipe at the tears.

"Yes. I'm fine. I get what you're saying but it still hurts. It hurts for them to be scared of me," I sigh. "If that's all, then I'll be going." I start to walk off but I feel a pressure on my wrist. I look down to see his large hand clasped around my wrist, holding me back.

"Boss wait. There was something else," he says quietly. He releases my wrist and steps back.

"What?" I ask, looking down at the stones. 'I just want to go lay down and sleep.'

I hear him step forward, and feel his hand gripping my chin. Lightly pulling up my chin, he brings my face up, his one eye searching my face. Bull brings his other hand up to wipe away the tears I missed. My face burns where his fingers trail down my face. "You know," he whispers as he brings his face down closer to my neck. My breathing hitches. "I've caught the hints," he breathes against my neck. He places a warm kiss just below my ear. He makes his way up my jaw, and to the corner of my mouth. "Why don't we, go back to my room?" He asks, looking into my eyes.

I nod meekly, and he crashes his lips against mine. He grabs the small of my back, picking me up.

~~Time Skip~~

Laying on Bull's chest, listening to his soft snores, I lose myself in thought. 'Bull understands me.. and I guess I understand why the people can trust me but be scared of me.. It still upsets me, but maybe Bull can help with that too. I guess I won't be killing Sera the next time I see her.' Shifting, I snuggle closer to Bull, letting sleep pull me in.

Okay, well. That didn't turn out how I wanted. Hopefully it's okay though. And I'm sorry about using a time skip instead of writing about that, but I dont feel I can write about that and ya know, it sound good. Maybe later.. Anywho! Any suggestions would be welcomed! Thank you!

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