Understanding (Pt. 1)

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So, finished the first one about Cullen, and now I'm moving on. This one will probably only be a two parter. Hope you like it!
Even as Inquisitor people stared. They didn't care that I was there to help. That I was there to try to lead them all to victory against Corypheus. They still stared. They were still scared. And they didn't care to hide it from me.

Walking through the hall, I walked towards one of the few people who would actually talk to me like a person. Not some large animal. Sera. Sure she may not completely understand, but she was still there, still someone to talk to, someone who would actually listen, not just try to shove Inquisition facts down my throat. "Y/n!" I hear her call. "I'm coming, I'm coming. Shit. Calm down," I call back, ducking to avoid catching my horns on the wood work in the main hall.

When I finally reach her she's giggling to herself about something. "What's so funny?" She looks up, "Oh nothing... pft. Breeches." And at that she's laughing again, gasping for air. Never quite got that joke. I mean I get it but, it's not funny.

Hopping up on the table to sit next to her I look out at the crowd of people. People pretending not to stare, but failing miserably. Their eyes would slowly glide over towards me and then snap back straight when they realized I could see them. "The staring getting to you. Innit." Sera states, looking at the people now that she's done being a fool. "Yes. How long have I been here? How many times have I risked my life? How much have I given to this cause? And yet they still can't trust me. Hell. They accept Bull more than me," I huff out. "There you go again. Talking about Bull. Makes me wonder," she says, looking at me with a twinkle in her eye.

"Wonder what?" I ask, "What? WHAT? Okay, quit trying to change the subject," I say, looking away, pretending to look at everyone but really trying to hide the blush coming up."Like you don't already know," I breathe out under my breath, hoping she doesn't hear. "Ooooh, who's trying to change it now, huh?" Sera cackles, hopping off the table and heading towards the main entrance.

"Where are you going?" I call, hoping she's not going to get herself into trouble again. It was hard to keep Leliana from killing her last time..

"Nowhere. Just. Places," she replies, smirking at me. She turns on her heel and runs outside. 'Places? What? Whatever, I have stuff to do.'

Getting up I head for my quarters. An unfortunately large stack of paperwork was calling my name.
Paperwork done and night fast approaching, I go ahead and climb in bed, not caring if I miss dinner. I wasn't hungry and skipping was alot better than sitting there while everyone stares while pretending not to stare. 'Why can't they accept me? I've done so much, so much that should have proven I wasn't going to turn on them. They're so quick to shun me, yet they've really taken a liking to Bull. We're both Qunari, yet they treat him like one of their own, while shunning me.'
I sigh, rolling over and shoving my face farther into the pillows. 'Bull. Sera knows I like him. I mean. She's even tried helping. Telling me somethings to try. Coy smiles. Flirtatious jokes. Outright flirting. None of it seems to work. It's like all he sees is the title. Not the woman... I mean. Yes I'm the Inquisitor but I'm also a woman.' One long sigh later and I hear the door to my room open.

"What do you want Sera?" She's the only one that comes in at this time. The advisors and rest of the Inquisition know not to. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs until they stop. "I said what do you want," I repeat, turning over to face her. She stands at the top of the stairs with an evil grin.

"Come on. There's someone that wants to talk to you," she says, motioning for me to get up.

I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, stretching, and leaning over to grab my boots. "Hurry your arse up! Now!" She says turning and walking down the stairs. I take my time, knowing that she'll wait on me.

'I wonder who wants to talk to me? Cullen? No, he's scared of me too. Leliana? Maybe Sera went and got herself into trouble again.. Josephine? Maybe some nobles are coming to Skyhold and she wants me to keep Sera hidden.' I make my way towards the stairs, lost in my own thoughts. 'Varric? No. What would he want. Bull? No, why would he need to talk to me.' Sera lead me down the stairs and into the yard, making her way towards the tavern that she holes herself up in.

As we walk in, I expect to make our way up the stairs inside, but Sera walks around behind the back of the stairs. 'Oh no. What did she say to him? Why does he want to see me? Oh no.'

"Here she is! Bye (Y/n)!" And with that Sera runs off, leaving me alone with the tall mass of muscle known as the Iron Bull.

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