Drifting (Pt. 4 ~last pt.~)

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I'm shifted awake by the rattle of armor, and coldness pressed against my side. My head lays on something furry and soft, warmth radiating off of something near. Without opening my eyes, I shift my head, burrowing my face into the warmth. My nose makes contact with something warm. My ears are met with a soft, deep moan, the soft warm mass vibrating with the noise. I stiffen, realizing I just burrowed my face into someone's neck. 'Oh no. Who is carrying me? Who's neck is this? Why was I alseep?'
I pull my head back far enough to notice the furry pauldrons. 'Oh no no no no no.' I shift my gaze up to meet the cloudy amber eyes.
"Sleep well?" He replies huskily. His eyes light up with humor, but something burns deeper in his eyes.
"Uhm. Yeah," I squeak out. "You can let me down now."

He sets me down and I shuffle back, trying to get some distance between us. I duck my head, hoping he can't see the bright red blush covering my cheeks.

"Sorry commander. I didn't mean to fall asleep," I let out. I shuffle my feet back and forth, refusing to meet his gaze.

"Inquisitor?" Cullen asks, trying to persuade me to look up. 'Ha. Yeah. No. Not looking up. Not going to embarrass myself anymore than I already have.' "(Y/n)?" My eyes widen, and I glance up. His amber eyes are focused on my face, his mouth curled up in a soft smile, the scar on his lip scrunched up. I meet his eyes for a few seconds, searching for anything as a hint. If there was something it was indecipherable. His amber gaze was soft and warm, but there was still something churning underneath, something I couldn't recognize. I draw my gaze away again, focusing on the embers glowing in the grate where the fire one burned bright.

"Yes commander?" I ask, disappointed.
"Cullen. Call me Cullen. Please."
My hearts skips a beat. "Yes? C-cullen?" I stammer, caught off guard.

"You're beautiful," he blurts out. My head whips up, met with his red cheeks, and startled eyes. "Did I just.. Oh maker." He cups his face in his hands, trying to cover his flaming cheeks.
My cheeks are heating up again too, burning hotter than ever. "Thank you." I smile, grinning down at the floor. "Has anyone ever told you that you're handsome?" I squeak out, keeping my eyes down so I don't have to see his reaction.

I hear an intake of breath, and then boots moving on the floor. Footsteps coming towards me. His boots come into my vision of the floor just before I feel a warm hand grab my chin. "(Y/n), yes, I've heard that before, but coming from you, it sounds so much better." He says before he crashes his lips down on mine. The kiss sudden, passionate, and the best thing I'd felt in years. His lips were soft, and warm. I moved my arms up to wrap around his neck, my fingers lacing through his hair. Soft, and thick.

Cullen moves his hand from my chin, placing it on my waist, his other hand moving to cup the small of my back. He pulls back for air. All that's heard in the small space between us is panting, us trying to catch our breath. "Was that okay?" He asks, avoiding eye contact, like the shy man he is.

"That was wonderful," I say, pulling him back in for another kiss.


Whelp. I guess that's it for this one. I'm sorry if it wasn't that good and that it was short. I'd also like to apologize for how long it took. I had stuff come up while I was in the middle of it and I was swamped with essays and projects for college. But I will make time to write more!
I'm going to try to start another one. Might be about Cullen. Might be about someone else. We'll just half to see. Thank you for everyone that has read so far!

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