Am I Enough? (Pt. 2 ~Last Pt)

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'He's a woman.' I think, standing frozen in the doorway of Krem's quarters. I reach my hand out, grabbing the doorway to hold myself steady.

"Inquisitor? Are you okay? I didn't mean to startle you. The chief said he was coming in here and they needed to be bound and he already knows and I didn't think it was a big deal and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you," he lets out in a long sentence. His face is panic stricken.

"It's... It's fine. You had your reasons to not tell me. It was none of my business," I let out avoiding looking at him. He's moving around, finishing binding his breasts and finding a shirt to put on. 'How could I be so stupid to not realize it? He's so nice, caring, and he's always had a feminine sense to him. Krem has so many feminine habits. How could I have not realized it?'

I come out of my own thoughts at his hand waving in front of my face. Krem lightly grabs my shoulder, the touch causes butterflies to erupt in my stomach, and the skin of my shoulder to tingle. "But it is your business. At least.... I want it to be your business," he says quitely, looking down at the floor.

"Why? Why would you want it to be my business?" I bite out, shock clouding my mind and judgement.

He looks up at my tone, his eyes widening. "I like you. I've wanted to tell you but I didn't know how. Didn't know how you'd react to... to.," he stops, using his free hand to gesture towards his now bound breasts.

'Bull was right. But.. but how can I be with a ... a woman?' I pull away from his touch, avoiding looking at his face, "I.. I need some time to think. I'm sorry." I turn, running towards the library again, not waiting to see the look on his face.


I sit in Dorian's alcove in the tower library. I had come up, hoping he'd be there so I could take and take my mind off of things, but he was nowhere to be seen and I had no strength to go and try to find him.

I shift back in the chair leaning back and closing my eyes, a headache coming on. 'How? Why?' My thoughts attack at me, not letting me forget.

"And to what do I owe this suprise?" I hear Dorian. Looking up I see him leaning against a bookshelf.

"I wanted to talk to you," I say, looking down at the floor again. Unsure of how to ask.

"Ahh," he lets out, moving away from the shelf, "And would this thing happen to have something to do with the upset Iron Bull and Krem?" He asks, watching my face.

"Is Krem okay? How mad is Bull? I didn't want to upset them, I was in shock," I say, panic rushing through my veins. 'I didn't mean to upset him. But I guess anyone would be if you confess your feelings and someone just runs out on you. And Bull wanted me to accept him.'

"They're both.. okay. Krem is torn up, but holding up, and Bull is just watching over him," Dorian crouches down in front of me, brushing the tangled mass of hair away from my face. "Now what can we do to help you? What's going on?" He stares at me, concern filling his eyes.

My face starts burning my eyes tearing up. "Krem's.... Krem's... Krem's a woman," I blubber out, the tears falling. "He likes me, and I like him, or I did, but. I don't know how to be with a woman. I barely know how to be with a man."

"Shh, calm down," he says softly, brushing his thumbs across the tears. "You didn't know?" I look up at him, shaking my head. "Does it really matter though? Did you like him because he was a man? Specifically because he was a man?" I shake my head again. "You liked him for him? For who he was, and his personality?" I nod. "And, does his body parts really determine who he is? He was born in the wrong body. Does that make him any less of a man? Does that mean he can't fight? Does that mean he can't love? In his head he is male, in his heart he is male, his body just doesn't match. Does knowing he's female change the way you feel? How he makes you feel when you think of him?"

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