Remember Me (Pt. 3 ~ Last Pt.)

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Tilting my head side to side, I try to ease the pain from riding for so long. My neck is tense, my head is throbbing, and my legs hurt from holding on for so long. ‘Sleep. That’s what I need. A nice warm bath, and then crawling into my soft bed and drifting off..’ I fantasize about my bed.

“How far do you think we are Inquisitor?” I hear Cassandra call up from the back, pulling me out of my fantasy. Looking back I’m met with Cassandra’s alert posture, Varric slumped almost all the way over, and Sera gazing all around, not paying attention to the path.

“Not much longer. Skyhold should be just over that ridge,” I reply, pointing towards the upcoming edge. Looking back, Cassandra nods, her short hair bobbing. Turning back I focus on the path. ‘I don’t wanna nod off and fall into the snow again. Once was embarrassing enough,” I think, watching for any stray, and disguised rocks.


I’m filled with relief as we step over the entrance to Skyhold. Dismounting, I hand the reigns off to a soldier, and start waddling towards the steps. Each step hurts, my hips popping, and my knees unwilling to bend after riding all day. Reaching the top, I head towards the main part of the castle, needing to speak with Dagna about some items found on our trip. Stopping in front of the entrance to the undercroft, its like an explosion went off in my head. My vision goes white, and the once minor headache turns into a full on migraine. After the initial flash of white, I’m able to see, but the whole room moves with each pulse of my heart, the headache making it hard to see.

I turn and try to step forward, only to be met with spinning of the room. ‘If I can make it to my room and lay down I should be fine. This will pass,’ I think, struggling to move forward. Stumbling towards my quarters, I feel myself tipping, soon to make contact with the floor. Only I don’t. Two arms wrap around me just before I pass out.


I smell the smoke from a fire as I come to, and feel the softness of a bed beneath me. When I open my eyes I realize I’m in my room. Trying to sit up, I feel to hands land on my shoulders, holding me down. “Hold on, I’ll help you up,” I hear. I look up into two blue eyes. Cole backs up, and then grabs the pillows from the other side of the bed and places them at the top of the bed. He comes back, helps me sit up, and scoot back to lean up against the pile of pillows.

“What happened?” I ask, running my hand through my hair. I feel the bed sink in next to me and look over to find Cole.

“Head pounding. Can’t see. So much pain. You passed out, and I caught you. Is your head better now?” He asks, raising his hand to brush some of the strands of hair away from my face.

“Y-yes, at least I think so,” I stutter, my heart racing in my chest. My head still hurt, but nothing like before. I could see, and it felt like the headache was going away.

Cole moved, shifting me so he could sit behind me. He places his hands on my shoulders again, but this time he starts kneading, digging into the knots. “What are you doing?” I ask, shocked by his actions.

“Helping,” he states simply, focusing on my shoulder. “I needed to ask you something. About me becoming more human.”

“What? Is something wrong?” I ask, leaning into his hands.

“What does it mean when you can’t stop thinking of someone? When it seems as if every waking moment, is caught up in thinking of that person. Whether they are right by you, or far away?” He asks, his voice shaking. “What does it mean, when you’re scared when their gone? When you can’t stand the thought of them in pain?”

I feel my heart drop. ‘Why does it hurt me to know that he feels this way about someone? It's only reasonable to believe that as he becomes more human, he’ll come across love. But why am I sad that its not me?’ “You love them. You care deeply for that person,” I say, looking down hiding my sadness from him “You worry about that person. You want only the best for them.”

His hands pause for a moment, and then he works his way up into my hair, massaging my head. “How.. how do you show them?” Cole asks.

“You care for them, you help them, you hug them, kiss them. You just do whatever feels right. Whatever you feel will show them how you feel,” I breathe out around the lump forming in my throat. I feel him remove his hands from my hair.

He winds his arms around my waist, pulling me towards him,  my back pressed up against his chest. "What are you doing?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady. I feel a pressure on my shoulder, and then I feel hair tickling the side of my face.

He doesn't respond, just buries his face into my hair, his nose cold up against my neck. I'm dizzy, not comprehending what he's doing. He moves my hair away, placing soft kisses against my neck.

"C-Cole," I choke out.

"I'm showing you how I feel," he replies, and continues kissing my neck. My eyes widen at his words. 'Showing? So the person he loves is'

His lips move up, kissing a trail up until he reaches my jawline. At that he retracts, moving out from behind me and sitting in front of me. His eyes lock with mine, his blue eyes staring into my soul. Slowly he leans in watching my reaction. He stops less than an inch away, and asks, "Do you understand?"

"Yes," I whisper, dragging my eyes from his to look at his lips, pleading him to continue. He closes the distance, his lips soft and cold against mine. I kiss him back, basking in the moment. Cole grabs my neck, pulling me closer to deepen the kiss.

Breaking apart, we both gasp for breath. "That was.. strange," Cole says slowly.

"Good strange? Or bad strange?" I ask, watching his face for his reaction.

"Good," he smiles, his smile lighting up the room. "Are you okay with this (y/n)? Okay with being with... what used to be a spirit?" He asks cautiously.

Reaching over I grab his floppy hat and pull it down on my head. "Of course I am," I grin, leaning over to place a kiss on his lips. When I lean back, he's grinning from ear to ear, something I haven't seen him do.

"Thank you," he whispers. 'He's happy. That's all I can ask for. That's all I want for him. Him to be happy.' Sighing I lay back, grabbing his arm and pulling him down beside me. I snuggle into his side, glad to be here with him in this moment.

Thanks for reading! I hope this one turned out okay!

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