Remember Me (Pt. 1)

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Hey guys! I'm so glad so many people like this, thank you!
I'm moving on to the next one. Not sure how long this one will be. Two or three parts, probably not longer than that, but I can't guaratee. Hope you guys like it!

Cold air wraps around me, the wind blowing my (h/c) hair across my face. I look down from my perch, looking over the whole of the Inquisition. Soldiers lay on the ground, some dead, some wounded, healers tending to the ones they think they can save. People move in and out of the tavern, some drunken, others sober and supporting their drunken companions.

It never ceases to amaze me how they can forget about the Inquisitor. Maybe forget isn’t the right word. Miss. That’s right. They never see me slipping off during big crowds, or after lunches and dinners. It’s almost as if as soon as I leave a conversation, I cease to exist in their minds. I know that they remember that I’m the Inquisitor because they still bring all of the paperwork to my quarters, but it’s like they easily lose track of me. Which, being able to slip away so easily is an advantage. I always feel crowded and claustrophobic around everyone. I prefer being by myself, or with a small group. Not the whole bloody Inquisition.

I shift, tucking my cold fingers under my legs. ‘It’s so peaceful up here. No worries. No war. Just me, the wind, the sky, the mountains, and the sun.’ Closing my eyes I tilt my head back, letting the wind blow my hair back and the cold air bite into my face. I’m so far up I doubt anyone would notice me.

I sit atop the roof of my quarters, the tallest tower in Skyhold. I found this spot on a free day. I noticed a few jutting stones, and had the patience to find the right ones to put my weight on, and I found a perch, found my secret place. No one ever knows I’m up here, meaning no one can ever bug me up here.

Opening my eyes, I untuck my hands and brush my hair out of my face. Scooting to the edge of the roof, I swing my legs over, and shimmy down the wall until I can land safely on the balcony. “Inquisitor?” I hear coming from inside my room.

“Yes Josephine?” I ask, stepping through the doors to find the distressed Ambassador climbing up the stairs to my room. From the looks of the wrinkled ruffles of her sleeves, and the stray hairs pulled out of her normally neat hair, something must have been wrong. “What happened? Is everyone alright?”

“Yes, yes. Everyone is fine,” she says, stomping over to the couch and plopping down. Sighing heavily she continues, “I don’t know what to do about Cole.” Setting her clipboard down next to her, she begins running her hand over her hair, trying to fix the crazy mess.

“What do you mean ‘do with Cole’?” I ask, pausing in front of the fire, trying to get the feeling back in my fingers. “He’s not going anywhere, not after everything we’ve done for him.”

“I know. I understand that, but he still creeps out the visiting nobles. They’re terrified of him. Spirit or not, he needs to quit lurking.” Giving up on her hair, she picks up her clipboard and stands. “We never had these issues until you helped make him more… more.. human I suppose. The nobles forgot him as soon as they saw him, but now, they see him. Some forget but most don’t, and he scares them.”

Sighing, I move over to the desk, sitting on a clean side, and pulling my legs up under me. “Cole is a part of the Inquisition. He stays, and we aren’t changing him.” Her eyes widen, and she opens her mouth to argue, but I cut her off. “Josephine, things are hard enough on him as it is. He’s discovering new emotions, he can’t make people forget him, he’s having to change how he ‘helps’ people. I am not going to ask him to change his behavior on top of all of that.” I look down and play with the edges of some papers. “I’m sorry. I can’t do that to him. The nobles will just have to get over it if they want to work with the Inquisition, and that’s all I have to say on that.”

I look up to find Josephine looking at me like I’ve lost my mind, and suddenly sprouted Corypheus’s head off of my shoulder. “You’re serious?” She asks. Nodding, I look back down, not wanting to see how mad she gets. “Fine. Fine. I guess I’ll just have to warn them on their way in that while he may be disconcerting, he means no harm.” Josephine huffs, turns on her heel, and storms down the steps.

“Thank you, sorry,” I call out behind her, hating to cause tension. I cringe as I hear the door slam behind her. ‘I can’t ask him to change any more than he already has to,’ I think. Climbing off the desk, I wait a few minutes, to avoid an angry Josephine, and then head down through the main hall, out the entrance, and to the tavern to grab something for lunch.

Winding in between the people, no one notices me until I set down with some food and some water. The Iron Bull sits across from me, Cullen sits to my right, and Varric to my left, not the most normal group, but it happens. “So, Curly, what do you think happened to Josephine,” Varric says, leaning forward to see around me.

“That would be my doing,” I butt in before Cullen can respond. “I shot her down on some issues, and now she’s mad at me.”

“What’s going on Boss?” Bull asks, downing a drink.

“She wanted to ‘do’ something about Cole, but I told her no. He’s fine the way he is, and going through enough as is,” I say, playing with the food on my plate, suddenly not all that hungry.

“The kids staying. He’s proven himself,” Varric says, scooping up his plate and heading off.

“I don’t quite care for him, but I do agree. He’s proven himself, and made himself a place here,” Cullen adds in, following close behind Varric.

I watch them walk away, when I notice a certain blond haired man in the corner, watching everyone around him. ‘Did he hear?’ My heart skips a beat as his head turns towards me, his hand moving to push the brim of his floppy hat up, exposing his pale blond hair, slender face, and blue eyes. Our eyes make contact and I feel my face heat up. I turn away quickly, looking back down at my plate.

“You okay Boss?” Bull asks, pausing from his drinking long enough to notice.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I stutter, eyes trained on my fork, “Just not as hungry as I thought. I think I’m gonna go. See ya Bull.” I stand up, dispose of my plate, and make my way to the entrance.

“See you later?” I hear Bull question before the door closes behind me.

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