The Quiet One (Pt. 2)

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Hey! I'm back again. Once again it's been awhile, but I've got the next part up. This will prolly have one to two more parts. Hope you like it!

A cool breeze seemed to be flowing through the room, the soft chirping of birds carried through the open windows on the breeze. Turning, I settle myself further into the covers, eyes closed against the bright light of day. Giving up on getting back to sleep, I sit up and pull my covers down. My (h/c) hair droops in front of my face, the long strands resting on the covers. 'I need a haircut,' I think, my slender fingers playing with the ends. My hair was longer now than it had ever been, after months of solitude from my clan. 'My keeper never would have allowed it to get this long.' My hair never fell past the bottom of my shoulder blades. As soon as it was long enough to brush them, my keeper would drag me away and chop it up to my shoulders.

The sound of laughter bubbles up through my open windows, and I turn my head to the sound. Dangling my legs over the side of the bed, I stand up, the floor cool against my feet. After making the bed and pulling my shoes back on, I head to the window the laughter came from, and look down. The courtyard was crowded, filled with so many moving bodies you couldn't even see the ground beneath them. Fear suddenly overwhelmed my body, knowing I would have to make my way down there at some point, and realizing I didn't have the courage to at the same time. My heart picked up pace, my breathing soon joining in. 'Why are there so many people today?' I wrack my brain, trying to think of anything that Josephine may have told me was coming up. 'A noble was supposed to be visiting soon, but he wouldn't need to bring this many people... Oh wait. Leliana's birthday. Josephine said she invited a few people...'

Looking back down I can feel the anxiety bubbling up my throat again, but before it can completely overwhelm me there was a loud knock at the door. Taking in a deep breath, I slowly walk across the room, and take my time going down the stairs. Just as another round of knocks come across, I pull it open a fraction, peeping just around the edge, using the door almost as a shield against whoever was on the other side.

"Oh Inquisitor. Did you sleep well?" Josephine says over the top of her clipboard.

"I guess..?" I say slowly concerned with the reasoning behind her coming up here. "Did you need some-," I get out before she shoves her way through the door, climbing the stairs, leaving me to shut the door.

"As a matter of fact I do. I needed to discuss the events of today. Today is very important you know, it being Leliana's birthday and all," she interrupts.

"I-uh.. I thought you said you invited a... few people..?" I say, slowly trailing up the steps behind her, speaking softly. I didn't want to upset her.

"Oh, I did. That's not even everybody yet though, there are still more nobles that we are expecting," Josephine says nonchalantly from the seat she's taken on the small couch. She begins examining her nails, as if what she just said was totally normal. 'That's a few people to her? That's more people than were ever in my clan..'

"Wait, there's more? That's a few? What do you mean?" My breathing picks up once again, the fear written all over my face.

"Oh calm down, you have to get used to these things you know. With you being the Inquisitor," she says. My blood boils. 'It wasn't like I signed up for this.'

I slow my breathing and try to cool my anger, closing my eyes so that I didn't have to look at her. "What did you need?"

"I just needed to tell you the schedule, and tell you what you need to attend. We won't serve dinner until later, and right before dinner we'll have everyone come together to celebrate. Those are the only things I need for you to be at. You can come to the other things, but those are all that the Inquisitor needs to be present for," she says, flipping through the notes scribbled down on her clipboard.

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