Drifting (Pt. 2)

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Inquisitor?" I hear a warm voice question. A warm gloved hand placed on my shoulder, gently shaking me. "Inquisitor?" they question again, trying to wake me.

"Hmm?" I hum, hoping they'd leave, let me sleep. It's cool but not cold, and comfortable out, birds chirping, wind blowing through the leaves of the plants. Cool metal pressed against my cheek, the rest of my body curled up on the small bench.

"Inquisitor. I think you need to get up. You've been out here for awhile, and Josephine keeps going on about the letters you need to attend to," the voice goes on, trying to bring me back to the world and responsibilities.

'Ughh, letters, reports, why must they remind me. Can't I sleep? I'm so comfortable... Duty calls I guess,' I think. I crack my eyes open a bit, trying to see who woke me.

The world is so bright, a dark shape blocking the direct sun. As my eyes adjust two amber eyes come into focus, slight frustration flowing through them, and curly blonde hair. Full lips with a scar across the right side of the top lip. The man who so often appears in my dreams. 'Cullen..... wait, Cullen!?'

I shoot up, straightening out, avoiding colliding with Cullen in the process. "Oh, Commander, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep," I state, the tips of my ears burning. Then I notice a warm pressure on my wrist. I look down and notice his hand had slid down to my wrist from my shoulder when I sat up.

Cullen noticed what I was looking at, quickly withdrawing his hand. "Forgive me Inquistitor," he says, avoiding my eyes, and rubbing the back of his neck with the hand.

'It's fine with me, you can put it back if you want...' my mind starts. "It's okay, what were you needing to wake me up for?" I ask, looking around him, noticing all the people in the garden. 'How long was I asleep? It was empty earlier..'

"Oh, there are some new reports for you and Josephine wants to know how you're coming along on the letters.." he trails off, noticing the look of dread on my face. "How much exactly did you have left before you took a nap?" He questions.

"Enough to last for a couple of weeks. I suppose I should head up and get back to work. No use in putting it off," I sigh. The thought of working on them just makes my head hurt. I stand, just as Cullen backs up. As I walk by he opens his mouth as if to say something but quickly closes it, changing his mind. "Hmm? Did you need something?" I ask, turning to face him, noticing the slight red tinge to his cheeks.

"Ahh, it's not important Inquisitor. I'll leave you to your work," he sighs. Hand clasped tight around the back of his neck. He walks around me, heading back to his own quarters. 'I wonder what he wanted?' I think. Turning on my heel I head off to my own quarters, his reaction still playing in my mind.
I push the papers away, finally done with the reports, and responding to letters. My hand ached, my fingers bent, unwilling to move.

I push the chair back from the desk, back popping as I stand. I grab the candle I had to light, and shuffle over to the bed, sitting on the edge. I set the candle on the ground, and reach for my boots, working on the laces. Once my boots were both off I blew the candle out, shifting under the covers, too tired to even bother changing my clothes.
Warm arms wrap around my waist, cold armor pressed against my back, the fuzzy pauldrons tickling my neck, hands splayed out across the front of my hips. Soft blonde hair tickles my right ear as soft lips find their way to the base of my neck connecting to my collarbones. The lips seem so heavenly compared to the cold air of the balcony.

Hands travel up to grip the sides of my waist, the lips making their way up to the sensitive spot just below my ear.

I pull away, turning around. My eyes are met with bleary amber eyes, and windswept blonde hair. My eyes travel to the scar just above the lips that had just graced my neck, and down to the hands still reaching out toward me, begging me to come back. As I step forward he whispers a soft sigh.

"Inquisitor. " And at that I'm shot straight up in bed, pushing (h/c) hair out of my face.

"Shit," I breathe.

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