Chapter twenty.

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"That we are getting back together"That voice.

I felt a warm arm around my neck...that asshole...Tyler.

"You...two...together?"Edward said shocked and I was too.

"That's nonsense--"Tyler cut me.

"Yes we are,do you have a problem?"Tyler asked through gritted teeth.

Edward just looked at me and went away.I pushed Tyler.

"What  the hell?"I growled.

"WOW calm down I'm just helping"He smirked.

Ah I just wanted to give to his face a high five with a brick using the force of Hulk.

"We need to talk"He said.

"Not me"I said and turn around.

In some fraction of second we were somewhere in the forest.

"Are you serious?"I said frustrated.

"What is Jacob talking about?"He asked.

"Nothing"I said.

He came in front of me and my back hit a tree.

"I can compel you"He whispered.

"You are kidding"I said crossing my arms.

He rolled his eyes and blocked me with both of his arms near my head.

"I will help you just tell me"He said.

"I don't trust you anymore Tyler"I said.

He removed his hands and back up.

"Let's make a deal"He said.

"A deal?"I asked.

"You can asked whatever you want about me but you tell me what's truth Jacob was talking about"He said.

I laughed ,yes  I actually laughed.

And at a moment my heart melt, Tyler was smiling a smile... a smile that I can't describe... I fell in love with him the day he smiled at me, and it was the same smile.

"What makes you think that I want to know about you? I mean I know you lied to me about you being an hybrid , the murder of my parents , the love you feel for me--"I gasped as again my back was against a tree.

"You may hate me , even want my death ,it's  true I lied to you about me...your parents, but never for the love I was feeling for you . I have never lied for this, all what happened between us all those 'I love you' we share , all those nights where I will just watched you do your homework ,all those nights where you would tell me to chose your clothes, all those days where I was waiting for you at your lockers, where I would stay awake until wee hours to watch those movies you like , or all those mornings I'll just wake you up to be able to hear your voice,when all those days I just kissed you , all this is the truth "He  said watching me in the eyes.

Our faces were some inches away.I lowered my head and he backed up.

"Did when were you an hybrid?"I asked with a low voice.

"Do you recall the party at the house near the lake?"He asked watching the sky.

"Five months earlier?"I said.

He nodded.

"Aiden asked me to go and fetched his phone in the car,and while I went their something bite me"He said.

"Something?"I asked and he nodded.

"I don't know what it was"He said.

"But you were not bleeding or anything"I said.

"The bite disappeared in some seconds... and with time all those senses were developing"He said.

"That's why you did not came for one week"I said.

"Yes"He said.

"What happened in the aeroplane?"I asked.

He did not have time to talk when my phone rung... Rosalie.

I answered and she was telling me to come back at school.

"Hum... I must go"I said.

He grabbed my waist and we were in front of the school and he disappeared.


Few weeks after it was the wedding,and Bella was already eighteen,yups she is a year older than me,it's because I have started pre-primary school one year before the age normal or something like that.

Well,it was difficult for Charlie... but he has adapt himself.Bella was wearing an amazing white dress and soon was found kissing Edward.Well,what can I say?Edward seems happy with Bella so I'm happy... I guess?

We have not been able to talk Edward and I,after this 'we are getting back Tyler and I' he seemed to put distance.

Bella and Edward was officially married.While both of them were dancing,I was their trying to get drunk.

"Wanna dance?"This voice.

You are kidding me right?

"Nope"I said drinking my champagne.

"Come on"He pulled me and soon we were dancing on Can't feel my face.

We were dancing,and Tyler was turning me,and soon I was finding myself laughing.Bella was laughing and Edward... WOW he well his face was a poker face... no feelings?


Everything has an end... so does the marriage.We were throwing rice on them.Bella hugged me and Edward at the back smile a really like really,really a small smile that my heart broke.Bella and Edward went to their honeymoon... don't know where it's a surprised.

I went back to Bella's house and felt alone and insecure.As Edward was not there to 'protect' me all the Cullens family will turn by turn watched me and Tyler too.

Two weeks passed and I was peacefully sleeping and Tyler was sleeping on Bella's bed that lazy ass,I'm sure that if Victoria came in and killed me he will still sleep,it's very difficult for him to wake up.

I heard someone went upstairs with full force and my heart was beating loudly.Charlie was not supposed to return.

"Tyler"I whispered.

"Tyler"I moved him but he was still sleeping.

The door opened revealing Victoria-- wait what??

There was no Victoria but there in tears was Bella.I heard the loud screeched of a car,Edward's car.

"What happened?"I asked worried.

"He...he heard the beating heart of the baby without us having sex"She said crying.

Oh no.

My phone rung... Alice.

"Hello?"I said.

"Melody you should come now"Alice said worried and frustrated.

"Why?"I asked.

"It's Edward...the volturi...arg listen I know that you are his soulmate you are the only one able to change his mind... moved your ass and come now"She said sounding really worried.

Edward Cullen...Soul mate. {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now