Chapter 1

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Percy's point of view

It was a normal day at Camp half blood, the Stolls were setting up one of their pranks, some of the Demeter cabin was growing flowers in the window boxes of their cabin, the rest of their cabin was tending to the strawberry fields, and the Apollo campers were practicing their archery.

I was extremely nervous I was planning on proposing to Annabeth later that day. I thought she might agree to marry me since we'd been dating for six years now. To calm my nerves I went into the sword arena there were some Hermes guys practicing, one of them, Kevin, I remembered, asked if I wanted to fight him. I agreed even though most of the Hermes guys weren't much of a challenge. Before too long I disarmed Kevin with the maneuver that Luke had taught me and riptide was against Kevin's neck. After we finished I pointed out how Kevin could improve and then I left to find Annabeth. As I walked Annabeth was the only thing on my mind. Since I was distracted I bumped into someone. That someone was Annabeth's half Brother and second in command Malcolm. I asked him where Annabeth was, and he told me that she was in their cabin.

Just as Malcolm had said I found her there. She was drawing up plans for something. I didn't bother asking what I knew that her explanation would just leave me confused.
I said "Annabeth will you meet at the beach after dinner?"
Annabeth looked up for a moment and nodded. Then she went back to her drawing.

I left and went through the rest of my training for that day, and then after the evening meal I walked to the beach. When I got there Annabeth was there waiting for me, but when I got closer I could tell that her expression was different than it usually was around me. She wasn't happy like she usually was, instead she looked calm and determined. 
When I reached her she said "Percy we need to talk." 

Alarm bells started going off in my head, that didn't sound good.
"Okay what about." I asked nervously.

What she said shocked me she said, "Percy I am breaking up with you, I can't work on Olympus and be with you, besides I don't feel it anymore and you have gotten us into more trouble than most demigods go through. It was your fault we had to go through Tartarus."  

At first I was shocked and devastated; my heart felt like it it had been trampled by a charging Minotaur, I couldn't live without her.  After my shock passed I was filled with rage.
I threw the ring at her, and I yelled, "I was going to Propose to you! I  literally went through hell and back for you, and this is how you repay me! How could you!"

Waves were beating against the shore. I glanced at my now ex-girlfriend one last time before walking away to go to the campfire. I'm guessing that the look I sent her contained a mixture of pain and anger. During the campfire I didn't really sing along, I wasn't really in the mood. The other campers glanced at me with either concern or curiosity. I noticed that Annabeth never showed up for the campfire. That made me curious about what she was doing. since I wasn't really enjoying myself I left the campfire I was going to head back to my cabin for the night and I would decide what to do next in the morning, but as I was heading back I saw a couple on the beach making out.

At first I was going to just assume that it was some Aphrodite girl with her boyfriend, but I realized that the girl looked a lot like Annabeth.  When I finally got a slightly better look at her I realized that it was Annabeth. The pain and anger I was already dealing with increased, I couldn't take any more of it so I ran toward the sea and dove in. I swam away from the camp out to where the water was deeper. I let myself sink to the bottom and just sat there and cried until I eventually fell asleep right there on the ocean floor.

As I did most nights I dreamed, but unlike most of my dreams the one I had that night was actually kind of pleasant. In my dream I saw a blonde woman and a young boy who looked to be around nine at the beach. The boy was splashing and playing in the water while the woman who I assumed was his mother or another family member was watching him from not far away. When I looked at him I could see that he had black hair, and eyes that were gold with sea green specks in them. I couldn't help but think that was an unusual eye color. I was going to try and get a better look at the woman but the dream ended before I could.

I woke up to the sound of two people talking, as I listened I recognized them both. The voices belonged to my father, and my half-brother Tyson.
I listened as my father said, "A nereid brought him here out of concern for him." 

Tyson said, "Can I talk to him?"

my dad replied, "Let him rest you can speak to him when he wakes." 

I guess my dad began to leave but before he did I opened my eyes. 

Tyson noticed and said, "Brother."
my dad heard him and turned to look at us.
He walked back over to my bed and asked, "What happened?"
I managed to say, "Annabeth broke up with me."

But then I started crying again. I continued saying, "I was about to propose to her..."
"I can't live without her..." "She blamed me for everything bad that has happened to us..." 
"I don't think I can live without her." "I want to die..." 

after I said that Tyson started crying, I felt bad that I made him cry, but I was upset and really didn't know what to do anymore. My dad looked both sad and angry. My guess is that he was angry at Annabeth for hurting me like that, and he was sad at the fact that I had just said that I wanted to die.

He said, "Don't say that son. You can get over her, you're strong you've proven that countless times, you can Move on, maybe even find someone else."
as he said that he had a sort of smirk on his face. 
Then he said, "Just don't pick another Athena spawn."  

At this point my tears had mostly stopped, so I managed a slight chuckle and said, "I won't Dad."
I asked, "What am I going to do now Dad? I don't want to go back to camp, and I don't really want to go to camp Jupiter either?"

After I said that I noticed that his expression had changed. I got the feeling that he was thinking.
He eventually said, "I have an idea, we are leaving." 

"where are we going?" I asked. 

He said, "to Olympus." 

I had no idea how that was going to help but I didn't bother arguing. Once we got Tyson calmed down dad teleported us to Olympus.

Percy Jackson The New God (Old Version,)Where stories live. Discover now