Chapter 30

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Poseidon's point of view

I was in my undersea palace with Sally when I was summoned to a council meeting by Zeus.  I was a little surprised by this  since we had already had a meeting today. I told sally that I had been summoned to a meeting and then teleported to the throne room on Olympus.  When I arrived I noticed that Percy was already there. When I looked over at him I couldn't help but feel extremely proud of him.

He had gone through so much yet still succeeded; now he was doing well as a new god. After the rest of the council arrived Athena said, "Why did you call this meeting Father?" 

 Then Zeus spoke he said, "Perseus just returned from Camp Jupiter, they haven't yet discovered who attacked him...  

I interrupted my brother saying to Percy, "You didn't get attacked again did you?" 

for some reason, Percy looked slightly amused when he said, "No Dad I'm fine."  

Hey you can't really blame me for being worried about my son, I'm used to worrying about him almost constantly, and it will take time to get used to the fact that he is immortal and can handle himself.  Zeus continued, "We need this person to be found quickly, we don't want another attack the next time Perseus visits the camp or when Piper is revealed. Perseus said that he knows of a way we could solve this quickly, but he hasn't told me what this plan is yet so I will allow him to explain." 

Percy started by explaining that when he had arrived he had asked the praetors if they had made any progress, they had told him that they had questioned the cohort indicated by the weapon, he said that they hadn't had anything to do with the attack. He explained that whoever was behind the attack must have switched their pilum with one from the third cohort in order to divert suspicion.

He said that he had thought about what to do next and came up with his plan. "What is this plan?" Athena asked.

 In response, I said, "if you had let him continue instead of interrupting him he probably would have told you owl head."

 she just glared at me and Percy continued  he explained that with his powers over loyalty he could find out if a person is loyal or not, and who or what they are loyal to.

He said that using those powers he would probably be able to find out who was behind the attack and that with his powers over heroes he could find out more about the person. He said that he didn't really like the plan because he would basically be spying on the heroes, but he believes we have no choice if we want to find the person quickly.

After that, the room was silent as we considered what he had said. I now understand why he got Zeus to call a meeting, there is a chance that some of the other gods may not approve of this plan, but like Percy, I couldn't see any other option if we wanted this solved quickly. After we had considered Percy's plan Zeus said "All in favour of this plan."

  I could see that almost everyone voted in favour of the plan, I suppose that we all agreed that it was the best option if we wanted this dealt with quickly.  The only ones that voted against it were Ares, and Dionysus had fallen asleep again. After the decision was reached Zeus said, "you will carry out this plan as soon as possible." 

Percy replied, "Of course Lord Zeus, I will do it as soon as this meeting ends."

 After that Zeus dismissed the meeting and we all left. When I returned to my palace I told Sally about the meeting, I could tell that she was proud of Percy too.

Percy's point of view

After the meeting, I returned to Camp Jupiter and informed Frank and Reyna that the council had agreed to my plan. Then I put it into action. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the legionaries, and veterans in the camp. Most of them were loyal to the gods, Rome, and had accepted the peace with the Greeks, however, there was one person who was different than the others.  They weren't as loyal to the gods and Rome as the others; they were also completely against the peace with the Greeks.

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