Chapter 10

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Percy's Point of view

I had half hoped that dad wouldn't notice that I was late; obviously he had noticed since he questioned me about it. I suppose that he was just trying to get the conversation away from him and mom. But still I think that it wasn't his only reason, I think he was actually curious about it, and I have a feeling that he guessed that I ran into a woman. I wasn't really worried about him knowing as long as he didn't say anything.

  I trained with Apollo every day.   in my domain over time, I can slow or stop time, I could also time travel.  Waves and Tides were easy since I had water powers my whole life, but now I could also create tidal waves and tsunamis. Swordsmanship was easy since I had trained with a sword since I was twelve. In heroes all I had to do was concentrate on a demigod and I would know everything about them. Loyalty was really simple, I would know if a person was loyal or not, and I could find out who or what they are loyal to, as well as Change, increase, or decrease their loyalty. As for general abilities that all gods have, I could transform into any animal, but it was easiest to transform into my sacred animals. I could teleport, assume my true form, and so much more.

After my lessons I would contact Amber, she told me that her friends were having a party at a club for her birthday, she invited me. I tried to stay away from her but it was pointless, whenever I was around her, or just talking to her it was like I had no control over my actions. I just couldn't say no.

I would tell myself that she was just a friend, but the sensible part of my mind would tell me that I had let our relationship go past that. " I swear if Aphrodite is messing with me she will live to regret it."

Anyway, the day before the winter solstice I decided that I didn't want to lose one of my best friends.  So I asked Zeus if I could make Blackjack and one other Pegasus immortal, if they wanted to serve me.  I figured that blackjack would, because ever since we had rescued him from the Princess Andromeda, He had always been eager to help me whenever he could.

I figured the other Pegasus could be blackjack's buddy Porkpie.  Blackjack and Porkpie were brought to Olympus, where I went to see them.  They were in the Gardens wondering why they had been brought there.  As I caught sight of them I said "Blackjack!"

  "Boss why do you look so different?" he asked.

 I sighed I was starting to get tired of explaining that, but I told him that Annabeth had broken up with me, and that I had been made a god.  "So you won't need me anymore?" he asked sadly.

 "Actually you could still help me, both of you could," I said to the two pegasi. 

"How boss?" blackjack asked eagerly.

 "when I need it you could pull my chariot, in our spare time we can still be buddies,"  I explained to them.

 "but you're immortal boss, we aren't,"  Blackjack pointed out the obvious. 

I grinned, and said, "if you accept I will make you immortal."

Thankfully they both agreed, I put my hand on Blackjack's forehead and started chanting, Blackjack was surrounded by gold light Porkpie had to turn his head away  from it until I had finished.  When I finished with Blackjack he was larger and taller than before, and the feathers of his wings were now a combination of their original black and gold.

I repeated the process with Porkpie when I finished the Pegasi twisted around to look at themselves, and then they looked at each other.  I know you were probably thinking, you're a new god, how can you make someone, even a Pegasus immortal?  Well my answer is that when I asked Zeus if I could make the pegasi immortal he explained how. Obviously he hadn't demonstrated it or anything, neither had I tried it before, but obviously I had done it right.   After they finished examining themselves Blackjack said, "do you have any doughnuts boss?"

 I said "sorry Blackjack, you know those aren't good for you," 

 He said, "But Boss?"

 I said "Sorry Blackjack maybe next time."

Poseidon's point of view

I was sitting in sally's kitchen, she was taking a panful of blue cookies out of the oven, and I was thinking that now might be the best time to propose to her, tomorrow is the winter  solstice and I could convince the council and Zeus to make her immortal.

If Zeus ends up being more stubborn than I think he will be I will have to get Percy and some of the other gods to help me convince him, but I have a feeling that enough of the other gods will be on my  side that I won't have to worry about Zeus too much.    Finally I made up my mind, I said, "Sally will you Marry me?" 

she was so surprised that she nearly dropped the pan of cookies, if I hadn't been so nervous I would have laughed.  She said, "but you're a god I'm a mortal?" 

  In reply I said, "I know, but I can make you immortal. It shouldn't be too difficult to convince the other gods I can handle it."  

After a moment's thought which made me even more nervous, she said,   "yes I will marry you" after she said that she  came closer to me, and leaned forward and kissed me, when we separated I said, "I love you Sally,"

 she said, "I love you Poseidon."

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