Chapter 13

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Percy's Point of view

I couldn't get over their faces, when they had realized who I was they were so shocked. Chiron wasn't as shocked as the demigods were, and I suppose that he figured it out sooner than everyone else, I mean he has lived for thousands of years so there probably wasn't much that would surprise him.

I glanced in his direction he was smiling at me proudly. I was struggling to contain my amusement; it was taking all of my self-control not to roll on the floor laughing.  Annabeth's reaction was the best, though, she had fainted. Her new boyfriend was trying to calm her down but he was failing miserably. That was the guy she had left me for? I'd seen him at camp a few times but I hadn't realized that he was stealing my girlfriend.  The guy had blonde hair that was so light it wasn't far from being white and he had blue eyes. From what I saw of him at camp I knew that he preferred to use a gun that was modified to shoot celestial bronze bullets. Annabeth kept glancing in my direction nervously as if she thought I was going to blast her. I suppose I could if I wanted to but I wasn't planning on it. 

Finally, after Zeus informed Annabeth that she would have to design my palace and Camp Half-Blood cabin, and told Jason that he would have to take care of my temples the attention was finally off me when my dad said, "I have an announcement to make." 

I knew what was coming. He wanted to make my mom immortal. He had told me yesterday, he had appeared in the gardens when I was talking to blackjack, he had told me that he had proposed to my mom and shortly after he had left.  When Zeus finally caved, I offered to go get my mom.  As I was leaving to go get her I was sure that I heard Annabeth mutter, "show off."

 I just smirked. I didn't care what she thought anymore. 

Poseidon's point of view

When Percy left, the room was silent, I was glaring at the Athena spawn she was still very pale.  The rest of the demigods seemed to have gotten over their shock and looked happy for Percy.
Athena broke the silence. She said, "how could you do that to him Annabeth, Perseus is a good man he was nothing but faithful to you how could you leave him like that?"

 shock and betrayal was clear in the Athena spawn's eyes when she looked at her mother. She hadn't expected her mother to defend Percy, but then again neither had I. 

She stuttered, "B-but Mom, I thought you hated Percy!"  

She started crying, and the Morpheus spawn tried to comfort her but it wasn't working. Athena said, "That's not true; Perseus has proven himself worthy of my approval, I'm wondering how you could be stupid enough to leave someone like him."

Woah, I thought, Athena defending a son of mine never thought that would happen.

The Athena spawn shrieked, "Why are you defending him mother it was his fault we fell into Tartarus, he wouldn't have completed any of his quests without me!"

I was gripping the arms of my throne so hard that my knuckles were white, I was about to speak when Athena spoke again, she said, "Annabeth it wasn't his fault that you fell into Tartarus, it was Arachne's."

 "No, The Athena spawn said, "It was his fault!" she insisted. 

  I was tired of this girl telling lies about my son, so I said angrily,"Watch your mouth girl, in case you have forgotten we are talking about my son, and he is a god now so he could turn you into a pile of ashes at his feet with just a flick of his wrist!"  

Surprisingly Hestia spoke up,   "I won't tolerate you telling lies about my champion like that!"

 Even though it looked impossible she paled even further after Hestia and I finished speaking.   One after the other the demigods turned to Annabeth telling her that what she did was wrong, and stood up for Percy.  When they had finished the only ones who hadn't stood up for Percy  were Annabeth, her new boyfriend, and a demigod that was somehow lying on the floor snoring,  child of Hypnos I thought. That last one was kind of amusing but since I was  glaring at the Athena spawn  I didn't let the amusement show on my face.  The Athena spawn was about to say something when there was a flash of light and Percy was standing the middle of the room with sally beside him.  He must have noticed the tension in the room because he asked, " what did I miss?"

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