Chapter 28

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Sally's point of view

Poseidon and I were sitting in the throne room. I was thinking about how Triton had basically avoided us, ever since our marriage, I can understand his reasons, when Poseidon and I met Poseidon was still married to his mother.  But I hoped he would accept me and Percy, instead of just avoiding us.

While I was thinking about that there was a knock on the throne room door Poseidon told the person to enter and when the door opened it was Percy. I ran over to him and hugged him he said, "Mom really you just saw me a couple of hours ago." 

  He made it sound like he was annoyed but I could tell that he wasn't. Poseidon just laughed at us and then joined us.

We talked for a while   until we heard what sounded like a cell phone vibrating; I had never expected to hear that down here. It sounded like it was coming from Percy's pocket and when I looked at him his face was bright red in embarrassment.

  I glanced over at Poseidon and he was smirking at Percy I could tell from his face that he knew something I didn't, as far as I knew the gods didn't have cell phones except for Hermes whose caduceus could transform into a cell phone.   Poseidon said to Percy, "do you want to go answer that?"

 I knew now that it had to be a cell phone but how could it work underwater, and who would be calling him? after Poseidon said that Percy got even more red-faced, as he reached the door he pulled something out of his pocket that I assumed was the phone.

  After he had left the room I looked over at Poseidon in confusion, I asked, "what's going on here?"

 he shrugged and then said, "Most of the gods have cell phones. they are practically indestructible, so that's why it works underwater. After my brothers and I made that oath I never bothered to get one, since most of the gods use them to keep in contact with the mortals they are dating."

"Ever since I met you I haven't wanted anyone else, so there was no need for me to get one. Do you remember me telling you that you were a queen among mortals?"

 I blushed and nodded he said, "I still believe that, but now you are my queen,"

 then he kissed me passionately, I had never met anyone else who makes me feel the way he does.

Moments after we had separated the throne room door opened again. It was Percy coming back in. that's when I realized what Poseidon had been getting at, Percy is dating a mortal. I would have thought that it would take longer for him to get over Annabeth; he had been planning on proposing to her for Zeus's sake.  But it seems like it didn't take as long as I thought it would. I wondered who this girl was, how she caught his eye so soon after a breakup.

When Percy walked back over to us Poseidon said, in a teasing voice, "did you make some plans?" 

Percy was bright red again.  I said, "stop teasing him."

 Percy seemed to get his courage back and said, "Yeah Dad you're acting like Apollo, besides it's not like you haven't been doing it for years."

 Poseidon couldn't come up with a response to that statement probably because it was the truth.  Then   Percy asked,"Who exactly told you anyway?"

 this made me confused again, I had assumed that Percy had told him obviously not. Poseidon shrugged and said, "Apollo told me, he basically just confirmed what I had already suspected to begin with. I would guess that Aphrodite found out and told him."

 Percy sighed and said, "Yeah she knows."

 Poseidon asked, "How did she find out?" Percy shrugged and then said, "She tried to make a move on me. When I was about to walk away from her she figured it out."  

This caused us both to frown Aphrodite had probably told just about everyone by now.

Percy spoke again he said, "I'm going to see Tyson."

we nodded and he teleported out of the room.

Annabeth's point of view

Right now I am headed to the beach to meet Stephen, but we have to stay well away from the water since a few days ago the water had tried to grab me. I assumed that I had found my way onto Poseidon's hate list, but then again I thought that Percy has sea related domains as well   could it be him trying to drown me? But then I thought no he isn't that type of person he wouldn't do that.

Stephen and I reached the beach at the same time I was about to lay down the picnic blanket when he said, "Don't bother we won't need that." 

I said, "What why?"

 he said, "I'm sorry but we just won't work out. I just started dating you for your fame as one of the leaders of the camp, and I know you act like you don't but I can tell that you still have feelings for him. When you broke up with him to be with me you said you didn't have feelings for him anymore but that was a lie. Don't bother denying it because it is true and I know it."

 He might as well have kicked me in the chest it would have hurt less. I thought he loved me but now it seems that he didn't. He claimed that I still had feelings for Percy but I had thought that all my feelings for him were gone, in truth I had been seeing Stephen before I had broken up with Percy.

Now I was thinking about my feelings and wondering where my feelings truly lie. I sat on my bed in the Athena cabin for quite a while just thinking about this. Ugh I thought is Aphrodite messing with my love life or is this all me?  While I was thinking my siblings came and went, completely ignoring me as if I wasn't even there. This had become the norm ever since I had broken up with Percy.  At first it hadn't bothered me but now I was starting to miss all the friends that had left me and sided with him. Especially since these friends included most of the camp. Heck even Clarisse had sided with him.  Eventually I realized that I do still have feelings for Percy. I thought back to the day that I had dumped him; I realized how much everything I had said to him must have hurt him.

"Vlacas" I said to myself  I was a complete idiot I am a daughter of Athena so I am supposed to be smart but it seems that when it comes to love  I am no good at all.  I decided that the only thing that would solve my problem would be to get Percy back. There were a couple flaws in that plan though, one of them is that he probably hates me now, and the other is a rumor that he is dating a mortal.

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