Chapter 8

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Percy's point of view

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when I bumped into a woman, I had to admit that she was pretty.  That was when I thought what the heck? Where did that thought come from? She looked to be around twenty-two, she had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I held my hand out to help her up, and she accepted it. When she was back on her feet she looked at me and her eyes widened, "you have beautiful gold eyes." she said while blushing. 

I was honestly shocked the only logical explanation for why she had been able to see my real eye colour was that she was a clear-sighted mortal. After all, I couldn't sense any kind of demigod aura from her. I  did my best to hide my shock and thanked her for the compliment.

"I'm Amber Smith," she said while holding her hand out for me to shake.

 "Percy Jackson," I said, shaking her hand. 

 "Percy?" she said, "Is that a nickname?" 

  She's smart I thought, she was seeing through all my methods of concealing my true identity. "Technically my name is Perseus, but I prefer Percy," I admitted.  

"Like the hero from Greek mythology?" she said in a surprised questioning tone.

I was rather surprised that she knew about him, most mortals didn't. With the exception of a few mortals, most don't bother learning about the Greek 'myths'.  

"How do you know about him?" I asked.

she answered, "I have always found Greek and Roman mythology interesting, and for a while, I've wanted to travel to Greece and Rome at some point.

"I know a lot about Greek and Roman mythology myself," I replied.

  I did my best to hide my amusement when I said mythology. meanwhile, when I had said that, it felt like I was being controlled by an Eildon again, I would be thinking one thing and say the exact opposite. it was surprising that she had such an interest in Greek and Roman mythology, after all, most mortals would maybe learn about some of them in school, and then never think of them again. After I finished speaking she seemed surprised, probably because she hadn't met too many other people that shared her interest in the subject.

 I just smiled at her, there was just something about her that I liked.  She didn't appear to be wearing any makeup, and her cheeks were slightly flushed, either from being out in the cool winter weather or from blushing. Her blue eyes sparkled with happiness, she wasn't fat by any means, but she wasn't overly skinny either. considering that it was late December she was dressed for winter in a winter coat, jeans, black boots, and black suede gloves that had what I assumed was faux fur around the wrists and a blue purse hung over her shoulder. She was also wearing silver hoop earrings. 

she said, "Most people aren't interested in them, they think I'm strange because I am," she was looking down sadly.

  I put my hand on her shoulder; instinctively trying to comfort her and show her that I cared. I said, "I'd be happy to talk about it with you if you want to."  when I said that I was silently asking myself what the Hades are you doing? You just got dumped by your first girlfriend, it's a bit too soon to be picking up a new one.

A huge smile crossed her face and she said, "I would love to."  

The next hours passed quickly we walked for a little longer, talking about the 'myths' and many other things. Eventually, we stopped to get out of the cold, and because Amber was getting tired.   At one point she brought up one of the stories about Heracles, and I had to work hard to hide my anger and distaste toward that hero, god, jerk take your pick.

when we stopped walking we stepped into a café and got coffees. She said, "I've never had this much fun before." 

 "I haven't either, I won't forget this day any time soon," I said smiling at her.

  She giggled, and her cute laugh made me like her even more. meanwhile, I was still mentally chastising myself, I was enjoying myself I hadn't been lying about that, but I felt that it was too soon after Annabeth to be finding someone else.

after a while, I realized I was late. I had said that I would go back to the apartment at four, it was now four thirty.  Oh, gods! I thought to myself, if Apollo and Hermes ever heard about this I would never live it down, the god of time being late. "Schist" I cursed, thankfully she never realized I had said schist instead of shit.

"What?" she asked me concerned.

  "I'm late," I said.  "I was supposed to be there at four, now I'm late," 

 "Do you have to go now?" she asked sadly. 

"Yes," I said sighing. 

She reached into her purse and then she took out a pen and a piece of paper. She quickly wrote her phone number down and then handed it to me. as she passed it to me she said, "If you want to call me here's my number." 

I took the piece of paper and started walking toward the apartment. I wasn't sure if I would call her or not, on one hand, I had enjoyed spending time with her, but I knew that if I did call her, and if we continued to spend time with each other we could very well end up being more than just friends, And I'm not sure if I am ready for that so soon after Annabeth. As I walked to my mom's apartment I was thinking about Amber, Unlike Annabeth Amber was Kind caring and selfless, she was also pretty, and smart. while  Annabeth was also pretty and smart, she was also prideful, selfish and bad-tempered.

Amber was almost the opposite of Annabeth, and there was just something about Amber that drew me to her. she was pretty, and she seemed nice personality wise, It was obvious that she didn't try to improve her looks by using too much makeup, her beauty was natural and that was just one of the things I liked about her. I was trying to imagine how Annabeth would react to my becoming a god; every possible reaction that I thought of made me want to laugh,   I was imagining her shocked expression and then I turned to imagining the reactions of the other camp half-blood campers as well as the reactions of my friends at camp Jupiter.

I imagined Frank and Hazel wide-eyed with shock, while Reyna tried to maintain a calm expression. I imagined Chiron shocked at first but getting over it and in the end smiling at me proudly. I imagined most of the camp Jupiter campers standing wide-eyed. I imagined most of the camp half-blood campers being shocked at first, but in the end being happy for me. Obviously, I didn't really know for sure how they would react. That was just how I guessed that they would react. I also wondered if my mom or dad had noticed that I was late, and what they had been up to while I was gone, well I would find out soon enough.

Percy Jackson The New God (Old Version,)Where stories live. Discover now