Chapter 43

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Christina's point of view

We had just finished dinner and were preparing for capture the flag; one of my teammates had helped me with my armor. I was allied with Athena along with Hermes, Demeter, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Iris, Nike, Hecate, and Hades. Ares had allied with Apollo, Zeus, Morpheus, Hypnos, Eros, Nemesis, Dionysus, Tyche, and Hebe.

As a couple of  the Athena campers talked strategy I was considering our chances.  Considering the cabins on our team I thought that our chances are pretty good, all the cabins on our team were good fighters, well except for most of the Aphrodite campers. As for the other team, they had all the archers so if they put any of them in trees to guard the flag well then we might have problems.

Anyway once the Athena campers finished strategizing the flag was placed, and everyone went to their places. The plan was to leave several campers to guard the flag; another group of campers would head straight for the other team's flag while another smaller group would go for the flag but come from the side rather than heading straight for it. The hope was that most the other team would go after the first group allowing the other group to slip through their defenses.

The only downside to this plan would be if the other team had put all or most of their archers in the trees where they could possibly spot both of our groups. After everyone was in position the game started, I was guarding the flag along with an Athena camper, a Hephaestus camper, a Hecate camper and a Demeter camper. The campers on our team who weren't in either of the two groups or guarding the flag were scattered in random positions in our territory to help guard our flag.

Eventually, we heard a group of campers coming toward us. I thought to myself, the Ares campers aren't very stealthy. Since we had heard them coming we were prepared. two of them come at me while the others went to the other campers who were guarding the flag. The sword I am using still isn't the right one for me but it will have to do. The campers that came at me were a son of Ares and a son of Zeus. Somehow I managed to hold them off. After a lot of ducking, dodging, and parrying I managed to disarm one and knock out the other. Unfortunately, the son of Zeus that I had disarmed retrieved his sword but instead attacking me he just stood there for a moment I was confused until a bolt of lightning came down from the sky, hit the son of Zeus's sword and then came straight at me.

I was blasted back and hit my head on a tree, but  due to the fact I was wearing a helmet,  I wasn't knocked out. When I managed to get back to my feet still sore from the lightning I went to where the daughter of Athena was fighting the son of Zeus that I had previously been fighting. He managed to disarm her but I intercepted him before he could get to our flag and we went at it again.

As we were fighting I heard the conch horn blow and the sound of cheering campers. I disarmed the son of Zeus once again, but out of frustration, I suppose he summoned more lightning. Before I could get blasted again the daughter of Athena yelled, "use water!"

 I knew that water and electricity aren't a good combination but I wouldn't be able to get water before the lightning struck.

Then the daughter of Athena's meaning hit me, Percy is the god of tides, so I might have control over water. I concentrated on the stream that wasn't that far away and to my shock and delight I felt a tugging sensation in my stomach and water came and doused the son of Zeus, when the lightning came down instead of hitting his sword and then me it shocked the son of Zeus Knocking him backwards into a tree. Since we had all defeated our opponents we went to celebrate with the rest of our team.

One of the Stoll brothers was holding the other team's flag; the design had changed to silver with a caduceus on it. We had won I had done reasonably well, I had managed escape relatively unscathed I would probably  be sore for the rest of the night, but on the bright side, I had discovered that I had powers. I guess I would have to keep practicing with them and I wondered if I had any other powers that I hadn't discovered yet. I guess I would find out sooner or later. Now that the game was over everyone went back to their cabins for the night. I was just about to get ready for bed when I heard a very familiar voice say, "Nice job out there."

 I recognized the voice but since I had thought I was alone in the cabin I jumped. This caused my adoptive father to laugh. I frowned, when he stopped laughing he said, "You did well out there."

 I was about to thank him when I realized something. I said, "wait were you watching me? How I didn't see you anywhere?"

 He just smirked and said, "I have my ways."

I sighed realizing I wasn't going to get a better answer out of him. I said, "I wasn't that great."

 he said, "sure you were, you defeated a son of Ares and a son of Zeus using an unbalanced sword and very little training."

 I sighed in defeat he had a point. I figured that my Mom would be proud of me. When she was younger she had been in the military, but she had left to raise me. Then she had married my stepfather. He had seemed nice the first few minutes but he soon revealed his true colours.

When I thought of my mother sadness washed over me and tears welled up in my eyes. I sat down on my bed. Percy must have noticed my change in mood because he walked over and sat down beside me and did his best to comfort me. He said, "I know you miss your mom, but you're not alone you have Chiron, all the friends you have made here, and me.

I may not be able to be here all the time but even when I'm not I'll be watching over you, and I'll help you whenever I can. I know that your grandparents care about you and will help you when they can too." 

He must know that they had visited me I realized.

His words did make me feel better, he was right Chiron was good to all the campers, and I had made some friends here. Not only that but he had done nothing but help me, and it was obvious that he cares about me, also when Poseidon and Sally had visited me they had been nice to me too.

At this point I was feeling a bit better I turned to my adoptive father and said, "Thanks, Dad." 

The word Dad had felt foreign in my mouth since I had never called anyone that. But it just felt right to call him that. I could tell how happy hearing that made him.

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