Chapter 33

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Christina's point of view

It had been two weeks since I had run away from home, or what used to be my home. Honestly I should have seen it coming, all my mother and stepfather did was argue. The arguments usually ended with my stepfather hitting my mom or me. But that night two weeks ago he went as far as he could go, he murdered my mother. The one person who cared for me, who loved me was dead. As soon as I heard the gunshot I knew what had happened I grabbed a few of my things and fled.

Knowing my stepfather if I had stayed he would try and pin the crime on me, and the fact that I have been kicked out of several schools for fighting wouldn't help my case. When I had first fled I had taken some money with me but it was starting to run out. I would travel by day and sleep like a homeless person by night, but then again I basically am a homeless person. I had changed my clothes a couple of times but I haven't showered since I fled and I'm sure that's obvious by now.

Earlier today those dogs had started chasing me. I had never seen dogs that large before, the strangest part was that the people we passed didn't seem to think that there was anything strange going on as if it was normal to see  huge black dogs chasing a teenage girl. I'm running as fast as I can to try and get away from the dogs without much luck, I'm getting tired they would catch me soon, desperately I say "Someone help me Please." suddenly  I heard someone else nearby, I looked in the direction that the noise came from and saw a man standing off to my right. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that the dogs have disappeared as if the man's arrival scared them away. Why would the dogs flee when they saw this guy? They had seemed so intent on catching me. Who is this guy?

I got up my courage and asked "Who are you?" "My name's Percy." he answered "I am here to help you." he added quickly, he must have sensed how nervous I was. "Why would you help me?" I asked since I had never seen this guy before, why would someone like him help me? "Because it's my job." he answered, This conversation is getting weirder and weirder. Why would it be his job to help me? "There's something I need to tell you but you probably want to be sitting down for this." He said then pointed to a park bench where we sat down.

I know you are probably thinking why would you immediately sit down beside a strange guy that you just met? Well my answer for that is that even though I had just met him I got the feeling that he was telling the truth, that he was there to help me not hurt me.

"What do you have to tell me" I asked him confused. The question he asked me next just confused me even more; he asked me "how much do you know about the Greek gods?" "Not much" I admitted. I had no idea why that was even important, the Greek gods were myths from thousands of years ago weren't they? He shrugged and the next thing he said shocked me into silence.

He said "The Greek gods are real, they started out in Greece as you already know, then they moved to Rome. After that they moved from country to country depending on where the center of power was. Now they are here in the U.S. I said "What!" He said "I know it's hard to believe but it's true. Consider how many statues there are of them here in New York. He did have a point there, I had never really thought about it but there are quite a few statues of them here.

But I was still skeptical. He sighed and then he said "you still don't believe me do you?" I just shook my head in response. He sighed again and then said I guess I will have to use plan b then. He turned his gaze away from me to a nearby pond I looked over at it as wondering what he was looking at. Suddenly a small wave went across the pond, something like that wouldn't happen naturally so I knew it must have been Percy who caused it somehow.

"How did you do that?" I asked, he shrugged as if it was no big deal and said I'm a Greek god" I said "what!" he went on to explain that he had been made a god a few weeks earlier and what he was god of. He explained that due to the fact that he is god of heroes he heard my plea for help and came to help me. "I said but why would you help me I'm no hero?" he smirked like he knew something I didn't and then he said that it wasn't just the gods that are real but all the monsters are as well. He explained that the gods still have affairs with mortals which often result in children who are called demigods. "Why is any of this important to me?" I asked him confused about why he was telling me all this. He said "Your father left your mother before you were born right?" I just nodded how did he know that? Did he know something about my father? Then he said "you probably have dyslexia and ADHD" I nodded again, how did he know all this? "I'm guessing you've been kicked out of several schools"

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked him, he said "It means that you are a demigod, your father wasn't just some mortal man that left your mother he's one of the Olympians. Your ADHD is your battle reflexes, and the dyslexia is because your brain is wired for ancient Greek instead of English. I was stunned then I asked him "If he is a god why couldn't he have helped why couldn't he have stopped my stepdad from murdering my mother?"

as I was finishing that statement tears were welling up in my eyes he looked at me with sympathy he said "the gods are restricted in what they can do to help their demigod children, they are bound by ancient laws, and there isn't much they can do until their child is aware of them. Then they can help them more, but even then there is only so much that they can do."

I said "What about you, if the gods are bound by these laws how were you able to help me?" he answered "Like I said I am god of heroes so I have more freedom than the other gods when it comes to helping demigods." Then he said "There Is a place I can take you where demigods a trained, and where they are safe from monsters. Once we get there your father should claim you."

I thought for a minute, he hadn't said much about this place but whatever it is it had to be better than my current situation. "I'll go" I said quickly, he nodded and then he stood up. I followed his lead and stood up as well he put his hand on my shoulder and we vanished from the park, when we reappeared we were inside a large house.

Percy Jackson The New God (Old Version,)Where stories live. Discover now