Chapter 23

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Piper's point of view

After I became a goddess I quickly found out that my mother wasn't the best teacher. For starters she was more concerned about trying to convince me to spend more time on my wardrobe, she did help me with my natural beauty, and Persuasion domains, but beyond that I knew almost nothing about being a goddess.

I decided I would go talk to Percy, he might be able to help me either by teaching me himself or suggesting someone who could teach me better than my mother is. Besides Jason had mentioned that there was something bothering Percy that I might be able to help him with. He hadn't told me what it was because it was kind of personal but he thought that I might be able to help him out.

I had noticed that Percy didn't seem to be his usual cheery self, he always seemed to be distracted, and he avoided talking to other people. I wasn't sure what could be bothering him, I wondered if he was having a hard time getting past Annabeth, but that didn't seem right the day of the winter solstice he had seemed more angry than upset about her leaving him.

I wondered for a moment if he could have met someone new but I really didn't think he would recover so quickly, and even if he had I couldn't see how that would make him act the way he is. I walked to Poseidon's palace where Percy was staying, yes I walked because my mother hadn't taught me how to teleport. That is one reason why I am looking for a new teacher. I knocked on the door, I heard Percy say, "Who's there?" 

Yes, Percy definitely wasn't himself. "Piper," I said, answering his question.

The door opened and I walked in, he led me to the living room where we sat in a couple chairs, Percy asked me, "How are you liking being a goddess?" 

I replied, "its fine, but it would be better if I knew what I was doing. My mother has helped me with my persuasion, and natural beauty domains, but beyond that, she has taught me nothing. I walked here because no one has taught me how to teleport."

Percy frowned when he heard that, he said, "I wondered if she would be like that. If Zeus had let us vote on that instead of immediately accepting it I probably would have voted against it." 

"Can you teach me?" I asked him.

 his eyes widened he said, "Piper I have only been a god for a little over two weeks, I don't think I am the best person to teach you. Why don't you ask Hestia if she will teach you, I am sure she would once she hears how little your mother has been doing to train you."

I realized that he was probably right, Hestia is one of the nicest goddesses, so she would probably agree to help although we would probably end up calling a meeting about it because she wouldn't want to teach me behind Zeus and my mother's backs. I said, "Thanks, Percy, you're probably right." 

He said, "No Problem." 

Uncertainly I said, "Percy?"

 he said, "yeah?" 

I continued, still uncertain, "Jason mentioned that there was something bothering you, that I might be able to help you with."

He sighed and said, "yeah I told Jason because I felt that he was one of the few people that I felt I could talk to about it. It would be awkward to talk about it with my dad; my mom is always with him now so I can't really talk to her without talking to him. You might go through this at some point too, but I hope not because that would mean that you were either cheating on Jason or that you had broken up." 

That was when I realized what was going on with Percy, "you have gotten over Annabeth and are dating someone new. A mortal?"

 That last statement was more of a question, and he nodded in response. I have to admit that I was shocked I thought that it would take longer for him to get over her and find someone else. Percy said, "honestly I am surprised that you don't already know." 

I wondered why and he continued speaking he was saying, " I met her in Central Park two days after I was made a god, after that we continued to talk and see each other. I was trying not to let myself fall for her but I did. The night of my parents' wedding I realized that I had fallen for her hard. Also at my parents' wedding your mother cornered me and tried to make a move on me, she has been eying me ever since I was made a god. Just as I was about to get away from her she must have used her powers and figured out that I had fallen for a mortal.

I'm not sure how much she knows, but I wouldn't be surprised if the entire council and all of Camp half-blood know.There are two gods that I know of that know about it and they are Apollo and Hermes. During the meeting where we made you a goddess, after you had gone unconscious.  Apollo contacted me mentally and made some comments that embarrassed me. To get to the point, I'm torn. I want to continue seeing her, but I know I'm a god and that I won't be able to continue seeing her forever, also I don't want to break her heart like Annabeth did to mine. Not only that , but I know that if I let this go too far I could very well end up with a demigod child. I know I would like to have kids  at some point but I don't want them to have to go through the difficult life that I did. I also don't want to have to abandon her to take care of a child on her own, but if we do end up having a child I won't have much choice." 

Now I understood why Percy had been so quiet lately he must have been constantly worrying about this and what he should do. I thought for a minute. Just because I am a daughter of Aphrodite doesn't mean that I am an expert on love, but since people often come and ask my advice I try my best to help them. Finally, I said, "Percy even if you had stayed a demigod any kids you might have had would have still been in in danger because you were a demigod. Even if you break up with her I imagine that you would end up finding someone else, and having demigod children eventually."

 Percy sighed and  said, "you're probably right."

 I continued, "I 'm not going to tell you whether to break up with her or not that's your decision, but if you do stay with her and end up with a demigod child, all you can do is watch over them and help them as much as you can without breaking any ancient laws."

 Percy nodded, and then he said, "Thanks, Piper,"

 I hoped what I had said would help him make his decision. I understood why he was so worried, Percy had never been the type of guy that would just up and abandon someone he cared about, but if he ended up having a demigod child he knew that he wouldn't be able to stay and hellp raise his son or daughter. If  Percy broke the laws and stayed he would be putting both his child and his girlfriend in danger. I couldn't help but wonder what Percy would decide to do,but I guessed that he would probably continue the relationship since I doubted he would be able to bring himself to end it.

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