Chapter 16

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Hazel's point of view

The whole Legion was gathering on the field of Mars, Last night Frank had received a message from the Gods, telling him that they would be coming with news. The gods hadn't given any clues about what the news was. They had told him to tell the legion to gather in the field of mars before noon.

I figured that we were all nervous, the gods didn't usually come to camp Jupiter, and the last time they had come, they  had been there to warn us about the coming war. And it was usually just one god that showed up, not all fourteen of them. After we were all there, one after another the gods appeared.

I had only ever seen three of the gods in their roman forms, Juno, Mars and my father Pluto. But I had seen all the gods in their Greek forms when they had fought the giants in Greece. Looking at their roman forms I could see some differences, for instance, Jupiter was blonde, and Neptune was more serious.

Once all the gods were there, Jupiter spoke. He said, "We come with news that will change the demigod camps." 

 We were all surprised at this statement, what could he mean? what news could be so big that it would change both camps? I was silently hoping that it wasn't another war, we had finally gotten some peace after we had defeated the giants.

Suddenly I saw a flash of light behind the gods, I wondered if it had anything to do with Jupiter's news. I tried to see around the gods but there was no point, I just couldn't see around them. Suddenly the line of gods parted and a Beautiful woman was standing beside Neptune, she had brown hair and blue eyes.  she was holding his hand and he glanced at her lovingly.

I was somewhat surprised by this, everyone here at camp  had made Neptune seem like he was  a nasty god, who caused storms, and wasn't capable of kindness or love. I had started to doubt those  stories when Percy showed up at camp, but obviously, I didn't know for sure. I looked at everyone around me and I saw surprised expressions on their faces.

Jupiter said, "Romans..." 

Then he was interrupted by Neptune who said, "We have a new Olympian!"

 Everyone gasped, the gods wouldn't let just anyone join them, Who could this new god be? When Neptune had spoke I thought he sounded quite pleased with the fact that there was a new god, this also made me curious about who it was.  I also couldn't help but wonder what the new god's domains were. I guess we will find out soon enough. I glanced at Frank  who was standing to my right, and Reyna who was standing to his right. For a praetor Frank was having a hard time hiding his shock, but Reyna was doing a better job. But then again she had been a praetor longer than Frank had. I'm not sure how she  managed to do it, but Reyna spoke she said, "My lords and ladies with all due respect, who is the new god or goddess?"

Jupiter was about to speak when a chuckle came from behind the gods, the same person who had chuckled said, "I think I can answer that question."

  Jupiter looked a little irritated about being interrupted twice, but he didn't say anything.  After the new voice, that sounded vaguely familiar spoke the gods parted again and made a space on the other side of Neptune. when the new god was revealed  my eyes widened and I heard gasps form basically  everyone including Reyna. The new god was none other than my good friend and former Praetor  Percy Jackson.

Godhood had made some obvious changes to his appearance.  for instance: He was taller, his black hair was messier than usual, and his eyes were no longer sea green, they were gold. From this distance, I wasn't sure but they might have still had specks of their original colour in them.

I was glad to see him since Jason had gotten in contact with us wondering if he had come to camp Jupiter after Annabeth left him. we were all angry at  her for what she had done, Annabeth was one of the smartest people I knew. How could she suddenly do something so stupid? Percy was nothing but faithful to her, when he had shown up at camp Jupiter without his memories, she had been the only person from camp half blood that he remembered.  He'd fallen into Tartarus for her for Pluto's sake.

I heard Reyna speak I glanced at frank again he was still in shock. Reyna stuttered, "P-Percy" 

"Long time no see Reyna," he said smiling.

 Then Reyna asked the question that I had been wondering about ever since Percy had revealed himself.

 "Percy Why  did you become a god, and what are your domains?"

  in response  he said, "I became a god because my girlfriend left me and because I am tired of people hurting me and expecting to be forgiven as if they never hurt me in the first place. After Annabeth left me..."

 I saw anger in his face when he said that, 

"I figured this could be a new start." Percy finished, shrugging.

  I was angry at Annabeth and everyone else who had ever hurt Percy. I glanced over at Frank and Reyna, I guessed that they were feeling the same way. 

Percy Jackson The New God (Old Version,)Where stories live. Discover now