Chapter 21

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Amber's point of view (weren't expecting that were you.)

Today is my birthday, my friends had insisted on having a party even though I would rather have something small like going out for supper with a couple of friends or better yet Percy. Percy was this guy I had literally run into in central Park two weeks ago. He was different he seemed to have the same interests that I did. He knew all the Greek and roman myths and he was honestly the first person I  had met that hadn't found my interest in greek and Roman mythology odd. sure. my friends had accepted it, but I still think they found it kind of odd.

We would  see each other and talk on the phone as often as we could, My best friend Sarah was the only one of my friends who believed he was real, the rest didn't mostly because they knew that I had never had much luck with love. In high school and in college I had had some crushes, but I had always been too afraid to talk to them. my friends had sent me on some blind dates but none of those men were right for me. Sarah knew he was real because she had once come to my apartment when I was talking to him on the phone. She had quickly accepted that phone call as proof that he was real.

Sarah and I were currently sitting at one of the tables waiting for the rest of the guests to arrive. The next people to arrive were my friend Emma, and her boyfriend Josh. When she sat down she asked me, "Will your mysterious boyfriend be coming?" 

I answered, "The last time I talked to him he said he would."

 I had never really thought of Percy as my boyfriend but technically that's what he was. I wasn't sure what I thought abut it when Emma had first called him that, but I decided I liked it.

I had finally found someone who I loved, and then I thought woah wait a minute girl you've only known him for two weeks and already love him are you sure about that? But when I thought about it I was sure. I had fallen for him hard and fast.

Several more of my friends arrived with their boyfriends and then I watched as a man entered the club as he got closer I knew there he was, that was my Percy. When he got closer he smiled at me I smiled back I was happy to see him but what surprised me was his clothes they looked like they must have been expensive. While I was thinking about that I realized that he had never told me much about himself and I had never really asked.  I decided that I wanted to learn more tonight.

When he reached our table he noticed that my drink was empty and asked if I wanted another one.

 "No thanks, right now I just want you right here," I said indicating the chair that was to my left. 

He smiled and said, "I can manage that." 

after he sat down beside me Emma spoke she said: "So you weren't kidding, you do have a boyfriend."

"Why would she lie?" Percy asked raising an eyebrow. 

"uh, it's just you are her first boyfriend, so I was kind of surprised that's all," Emma said nervously. He seemed a little surprised by that news, but it didn't seem to bother him. 

Percy and I were holding hands. At this point, everyone had arrived Sarah had gone to get another drink while Emma and her boyfriend had gone to the dance floor. after that, two more couples left for the dance floor.

we turned our chairs until we were facing each other. Before I lost my courage I said: "Percy I love you." 

Now I was nervous, did he love me back? I soon got my answer when  he said: "Amber I love you too."

 And then I leaned forward and kissed him. I guess he was surprised at first because he didn't respond right away but soon enough he kissed back.  Kissing him I felt something I had never felt before, and it was amazing. I'd never felt this way about anyone, I'd always been the stereotypical nerd that always did well in school and concentrated on my work only making a few friends. I'd always been too shy to approach any guys so this was all a first for me. Nothing I'd ever experienced before had made me feel like this.

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