The Marble hornets timeline part 2

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Season 1

Thursday, June 18, 2009:

◾Jay, under the username "ce gars," posts about his findings in the Create Paranormal Images thread on the Something Awful Forums.

Friday, June 19, 2009:

◾Jay creates the MarbleHornets channel on YouTube.

Saturday, June 20, 2009:

◾4:02 PM: Introduction is uploaded.

◾8:19 PM: Entry #1 is uploaded.

Sunday, June 21, 2009:

◾Jay creates the @marblehornets Twitter account.

◾1:31 PM: Entry #2 is uploaded.

◾10:48 PM: Due to interest in the youtube channel, set up a twitter account. Updates posted here.

◾10:48 PM: Introduction:

◾10:49 PM: Entry #1:

◾10:49 PM: Entry #2:

◾10:50 PM: Been looking at tapes all day. Nothing interesting so I'm calling it a night.

Monday, June 22, 2009:

◾1:40 PM: More tapes, more of the same.

◾9:14 PM: Just realized I haven't eaten all day. Taking a much needed break.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009:

◾1:37 AM: Exhausted from compiling entry #3. Posting it tomorrow.

◾1:29 PM: Entry #3 is uploaded.

◾1:40 PM: Entry #3:

◾3:48 PM: Feeling very disorganized.

◾5:50 PM: I have to stop watching these tapes for today. Thinking I'll go outside.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009:

◾7:39 PM: Nothing new to report today. Went through a good number of tapes, but they revealed nothing.

Thursday, June 25, 2009:

◾3:05 AM: Found something. Will post it tomorrow. For now I need some sleep.

◾4:50 PM: Entry #4 is uploaded.

◾4:54 PM: Entry 4:

Friday, June 26, 2009:

◾9:50 PM: Nothing today. I'll keep looking.

Monday, June 29, 2009:

◾11:38 AM: Found something new. Will be posting it later today.

◾9:24 PM: Have not forgotten. Entry #5 will be up shortly. I don't like watching it.

◾11:22 PM: Entry #5 is uploaded.

◾11:24 PM: Entry #5:

Wednesday, July 1, 2009:

◾9:01 PM: Not seeing any more tearing or distortion. At least I know what to look for now.

Saturday, July 4, 2009:

◾2:22 AM: Possible match to entry #1. Uploading asap.

◾3:51 AM: Entry #6 is uploaded.

◾4:17 AM: Entry #6:

Monday, July 6, 2009:

◾10:19 PM: Found something unexpectedly.

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