Tribe Twelve Timeline Part 4 (2013-2014)

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(What is this?! Two finished parts of the timeline in one day! What is this madness?! well apparently Noah only sent 53 tweets during 2013.)

BOLD - Videos titles

ITALIC - tweets

BOLD AND ITALIC - If any of the tweets have video links and other stuff in them

C/N = Creators note(s)

◾19th March

12:32 PM - I've requested an export of my Formspring account. I'll try posting it somewhere. Looking for a similar Q&A site now. R.I.P. #Formspring

◾ 22nd March

1:21 PM - I've made an account, it seems very similar to Formspring. Feel free to ask me questions on it.

◾ 3rd April 

7:06 PM - For those wondering, I'm alive and well. Not much has happened since the live stream, but it's these quiet times that mess with me the most.

◾ 24th April

7:59 AM - I'm still not convinced that this isn't all just one long fucked up super nightmare yet. This calm makes no sense, but then again what does?

◾ 20th May

1:36 AM - It's been approximately 3 years since I opened this account. Things have gotten worse each year. The future is pitch black.

◾ 4th June

8:11 PM - DEUS EX MACHINA is uploaded along with the following tweet "VHJ1c3QgbWUuDQpUcnVzdCB5b3Vyc2VsZi4NClRy­dXN0IHVzLg=="

(The message decodes to: "Trust me. Trust yourself. Trust us")

8:42 PM - I go shopping for one fucking hour and come back to THIS? Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, this is too much. I'm gonna need a drink.

◾ 5th June

1:04 PM - Was that who I think it was at 0:58 in the video? Looks a hell of a lot like Evan from EMH, and he's gone insane. This is just dumbfounding.

◾ 8th June

5:29 PM - Ok, looks like I could be getting a case w/ a 6 digit combo. Might be related to my 1st video somehow. Can anyone help find possible combos?

5:32 PM - I'm just trying to think ahead here, you guys can help me think of combinations and I'll try them all out on the case if and when it comes.

7:07 PM - Since the combo is likely a code, can you tell me why you think your combo is numerically significant? I don't want random numbers.

◾ 14th June

3:38 PM - The more I watch the video, the more confusing it is. Fires? Evan? Gifts? I don't remember stabbing anyone, and there's nothing in my shoes.

3:41 PM - Cursor could be Mary, considering Firebrand mentioned she had a safe I had to find. And Mr. Scars could be Milo, I think he did cut himself.

3:43 PM - The guy in the chair is definitely from my dreams. Gotta be Mr. Scars. But why does he have a gun? And why is he sending me a briefcase?

◾ 13th August 

4:03 PM - dream. running in the woods. searching for something. see a dead body. turn around, im on an old bridge. someone comes up behind me. i wake.

◾ 28th August

7:53 PM - in transit. ~ F

◾ 29th August

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