Tribe Twelve Timeline Part 11 (2020 - )

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BOLD - Videos titles

ITALIC - tweets

BOLD AND ITALIC - If any of the tweets have video links and other stuff in them

C/N = Creators note(s)

/ = this shows when a new line starts.

◾ 14th January

12:41 AM -  @ytcreators tweets out - Creators, what do you think your subscribers have learned from your channel?

◾ 16th January

4:11 AM - Noah replies to the tweet - blickt der abgrund auch in dich hinein

(the abyss also looks into you)

◾ 11th/12th February 

11:11 PM/4:11 AM - [Noah creates a poll on twitter with 4 options: a film camera, a snap camera, a book and a gun. The filming camera won by 35.5%]

(C/N: If you want to know the other results I've provided a screenshot at the end of this part!)

◾ 21st March

3:11 AM - ich bin des champion der sozialen distanzierung. ich leide an einer übernatürlichen lungenentzündung, aber die welt ist dank meiner selbstisolation vor meiner krankheit geschützt. meine vorbereitung auf die dunklen zeiten geht weiter. dieser neue erreger dient nur als gute praxis

(i am the champion of social distance. i suffer from a supernatural pneumonia, but the world is protected from my illness thanks to my self-isolation. my preparation for the dark times continues. this new exciter only serves as good practice)

◾ 22nd March

3:11 AM - Noah replies to his old tweet with the pole saying - ein viertel von euch kann scheiße essen.

(a quarter of you can eat shit.)

◾ 1st April 

4:11 PM - alles ist gut/ april narren/ aufwachen/ du kannst nicht/ der albtraum ist real

(all is well/ April fools/ wake up/ you can not/ the nightmare is real)

4:15 PM - @AgentRLSpeed replies to Noah with a GIF from "INTERCEPTION" where it reads - "you are free now"

◾ 2nd April

4:11 AM - Noah replies to @AgentRLSpeed - du bist wirklich dorthin gegangen, huh

(you really went there, huh)

1:58 PM - @AgentRLSpeed replies to Noah - Totally. Wenn Sie in einer Schleife stecken, versuchen Sie, in einer geraden Linie zu gehen ...

(Totally. If you are in a loop, try to go in a straight line ...)

◾ 12th April

4:11 AM - ein fuß im grab, der andere auf einer bananenschale

(one foot in the grave, the other on a banana skin)

◾ 12th/13th May

11:11 PM/4:11 AM - s e v e r a n c e

(C/N: I couldn't post the exact tweet as it was in a font that refused to cooperate. There was also an Emoji that I couldn't paste here for some reason. I apologize for the inconvenience.)

6:11 AM - hmmm so the intention you applied here was to 'block the haters'? that's cute! weiter experimentieren. du wirst belohnt. ~F

(continue experimenting. you will be rewarded.)

Slenderverse ArchivesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora