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Because he first believed strange occurrences in his house evolved spirits and ghosts, Chris, a young student from New Jersey, starts to film himself and what happens around him, expecting to record something supernatural.

After he talks to his friend Alex about whether he believes in things such as ghosts, they realize they were not dealing with supernatural beings but an intruder who leaves him a message saying he's soon to meet death.

The boys then investigate a bit and find newspapers detailing the disappearance, in 2001, of a man called Marc McComber who lived in Chris' house. Around the time this happens, their friend Greg, who had been acting weird, disappears. He's later found dead in his basement by Chris, who passes out for seeing Slender Man when attempting to get help. A detective who presented himself as Detective Amsel tells Chris and Alex he believed Greg was murdered by a serial killer known as The Tall Man.

Attempting to uncover what really happened to Greg, Chris, Alex and another friend of theirs, Jesse, search around Greg's house and end up finding a black book detailing stuff about a cult which they later find out to the The Order. There begins their hunt for answers and numerous problems.



Chris is one of the main characters in Dark Harvest. He's the one who holds the camera in most entries and is the one who first posts on the channel, which he started because he wanted to record all the strange things that had been happening around his house for a few weeks.

After their friend Greg's death, Chris, along with his other friend Alex, start a hunting for answers on what is really happening. As they get closer to the truth, they start being threatened by a cult called The Order. They now live in great danger, but didn't give up on finding out what is really happening.


Alex is, along with Chris, one of the main characters in Dark Harvest. He first appeared on the Log Entry #2 [11/28/2010 2:15 PM] video and appears in most of the entries.

Alex first appears when his friend, Chris, asks him if he believed in things like ghosts and spirits but, after the two witness signs that suggest the involvement of an intruder (not a ghost), Alex stays in Chris' house for a while.

As they look for answers around Greg's house, they find a black book detailing stuff about a cult which they later find out to be The Order which starts to threaten the boys after they get dangerously close to the truth.


Jesse Laurenzi was not only a friend of Chris, Alex and Greg, but also a member of The Order.

After Greg started to experience strange occurances because he lived near one of the places where the Order made their meetings, Jesse convinced his friend to join the cult, but he soon expressed the desire to leave. Jesse told him that leaving The Order would result in death, but Greg didn't change his mind and, after he died, Jesse took his copy of The Order's book and hid it.

After Chris and Alex find out Jesse was a member of The Order, they reach Noah Maxwell and the three of them try to contact Jesse, who leads them intro a trap set by the cult. They manage to escape it and capture Jesse to ask him some questions, but they are forced to free him before they could finish.

After several months of being missing, Jesse's found out to have been executed by The Order.


Gregory Benson was a friend of Chris, Alex and Jesse. His first appearance was on the Log #12 video.

Even before videos started to be posted on the Dark Harvest channel, Greg was being followed by someone who wore a mask. Following Chris and Alex's adivce, he starts to film himself after some traumatic events. He's also convinced by Jesse to join The Order because Jesse believed he was one of the "chosen ones", but after Greg told him he wanted to leave the cult, Jesse told that would result in death.

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