The collective

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For those who don't know The Collective is a mysterious, hivemind-like group of entities who manipulate the world through mortal vessels. Each member has been converted into a powerful being by the Administrator, but exists as its servant, pacified and controlled like a puppet by a puppeteer. You can find here all videos that the Collective posted on Noah's channel.


According to the Observer's Formspring answers, the Collective has been around for a very long time, existing at the time of World War II in the 1940's, and most likely a very long time before then. The Collective's numbers are unquantifiable, but there are several prominent members. The Collective is described as a limb of the Administrator. In DEATHTRAPEXODUS, Firebrand reveals that the Administrator gives them "great power", yet deprives them of their free will. The Collective exists in a separate realm, where time moves non-linearly.

Each member has their own obligations, and each appears to be following different people. The Observer follows Noah and Deadhead appears to have been following Sebastian, the writer of Karl's journal. There is also some evidence to support that Mr.Scars was/is following Mary Asher, although this is not confirmed.

Similarly, it's suggested each member possesses a living host to live in the real world, which "catalyzes [their] power and function."

The Administrator

The Administrator, also referred to as the "Keeper" by the Collective and as "Mr

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The Administrator, also referred to as the "Keeper" by the Collective and as "Mr. Slim" by Mary Asher, and commonly known as the Slender Man, is the main antagonist of TribeTwelve. Appearing in many videos throughout the series, it is best described as an abnormally tall figure in a black suit with a pale, featureless face and, occasionally, tentacles sprouting from its back. It is unknown what the Administrator wants, but it appears to be following Noah, and before that, Milo and his mother. Initially, it can be inferred from the Corenthal Letters that the Administrator had been stalking Milo since at least 1995.

After Milo's death, Noah uploaded the contents of the tape from Milo's visit to YouTube, resulting in his discovery of the faceless figure. The Administrator is the leader of the Collective, a hivemind-like group of powerful beings that exist outside of the normal confines of time and space. It can be inferred that the Administrator possesses god-like powers and omnipotency, some of which it bestows upon the Collective.

According to the video My Grandfather Karl, a similar creature known as "Der Großmann", or "The Great/Tall Man", was the subject of a legend in Germany. The creature would kidnap children who ran away into the Black Forest. Karl Maxwell encountered it when it attacked a Nazi soldier. According to Karl, the same creature appears in Noah's videos.

The Administrator tends to have distortive effects on electronic equipment, such as audio and video recording devices. It is unknown if the effect is intentional or natural, though comments by the Observer on Noah's Formspring have suggested the latter. The Administrator also has the ability to teleport at will, creating distortion as it does so.

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