Jeffrey Koval

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Jeffrey Koval is a major character in the EverymanHYBRID ARG. He is Alex's brother and is listed in the intro as the "Camera and Editing" to Vincent's project.

Biographical Information

◾Jeff turned 19 in August 2010.

◾Jeff's parents died in early 2010 and he was granted guardianship of his younger brother Alex.

◾Jeff works at a hospital.

◾Jeff is a political science and economics major.

◾Jeff's full name is Jeffrey Koval.

He has little involvement at first, the first two episodes only feature him during the opening. In Episode 3: Dreams & Eating, he interrupts the beginning by messing with a little toy mouse as a joke. He also shows up in Episode 4: Cardio & Outdoor Activities, where he is the driver for the car that Vincent and Evan are pushing. Who the camera operator is on this scene isn't certain, nor important.

He is believed to be a Minecraft fan because in one of the episodes he is seen with a Minecraft T-shirt.

Episode: "..." has Jeff discussing with Vincent the fact that his house got broken into. He seems most bothered that nobody stopped to admit it was a joke, whoever did so left without making themselves known. Both discussion participants seem especially unnerved that there was absolutely no way out of whatever room they found "Slenderman" in, yet no Slender Man was found.

Jeff has a speaking role in Episode 6: Healthy Eating Habits. He starts the episode with Evan. The two go back to the grocery store from Episode: 3 and discuss some foods to eat as unhealthy alternatives. In this episode, however, as the episode begins to come to a close, he heads back with Vincent and notices a figure in the back of Evan's car. The two assume it is Dave. When they arrive, it's gone, and the camera is messing up very unusually. The group then spots "Slenderman" in the house already, except this time they legitimately don't know where it came from, and head in to investigate the house, on alert. When they get upstairs, they talk with and then turn around to find Slenderman in the nearby room, who shuts the door without touching it. They all burst into the room looking but find no trace of anyone, and this signals where they are being chased by the real Slenderman. The crew is noticeably startled when they can't find any trace of anyone in the room despite no exits and them being on the second floor of the house.

Episode: "Public Service Announcement" has Vincent (on camera with Evan and Jeff with an unknown cameraman) admitting that the entire time they've been pranking with a fake Slenderman just for fun, but with the break in to Evan's house, they feel they should address this as someone took the joke too far. Evan, understandably angry, states he wants to know who it was, but that if they come clean he'll forgive them, however, if they don't and he catches them then "there will be very negative repercussions". At that, the three walk off camera.

Episode: "A day in the life" is the attempt by the crew to have a calm easy episode, this episode featuring Alex, Jeff, Evan, Vincent, Jessa, and Ryan. The group basically goofs around for a while. Nothing of any real substance happens.

Episode: "Our Two-Part Special on Sleeping & Dreams: Preview" has the group starting an experiment on sleep deprivation. Vincent and Jeff will be recording their behaviour while depriving.

In Episode "Sleep Lab Part 1- Sleep Deprivation", Vincent and Jeff update the public on how they've been doing. They also say they're starting a journal to record hallucinations just in case. Vincent takes Jeff into the nearby room and states within ten seconds, somehow a series of photos from their video "A day in the life" is hanging from the ceiling with lots of the images covered in marker, and the weird mouse doll they got in Episode 3 is now laying on the floor burned. They seem to laugh it off and assume Evan did it as a joke, so they head to scare Evan. Evan never really gets an answer as to why they bugged him, but he plays along and they play sword fight. The duo concludes with the fact that the experiment will most likely end soon.

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