The Marble Hornets timeline part 6

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Between Seasons 2 and 3

• Monday, November 28, 2011:

• 9:55 AM: No sign of Tim as of right now. Still in the downtown area.

• Saturday, December 10, 2011:

• 4:10 PM: I've been sleeping much too well recently. It's an odd change of pace.

• 4:18 PM: @BraveDave88 replies: @marblehornets Surely a good sign though?

• 4:25 PM: Jay replies: @BraveDave88 I'm not going to say anything for sure.

• Saturday, January 7, 2012:

• 1:39 PM: Getting back out there today. Maybe I'll ask some people around downtown if they've seen anyone that looks like Tim.

• Sunday, January 8, 2012:

• 12:04 AM: No luck today. Maybe there will be more people there tomorrow.

• 8:42 PM: No luck again. Maybe Tim isn't a regular around here and it was just a lucky coincidence that I saw him when I did?

• Tuesday, January 10, 2012:

• 3:49 PM: Going to look outside of the downtown area soon. There is still Rosswood park, but I'm not going there alone.

o 4:06 PM: @SwagBruceington replies: @marblehornets Who would you go with?!

o 4:26 PM: Jay replies: @SwagBruceington That's the problem. I don't trust anyone.

• Thursday, January 12, 2012:

• 2:21 PM: Drove by Rosswood Park today. Almost stopped, but then I realized that's a terrible idea. Why did I even consider it?

• Friday, January 13, 2012:

• 12:21 PM: Couldn't sleep last night. First time that's happened in a while.

• 12:23 PM: @msmarvelli replies: @marblehornets did you have any weird dreams or nightmares?

• 12:35 PM: Jay replies: @msmarvelli Don't think so. Can't really remember though.

• Tuesday, January 17, 2012:

• 4:24 PM: Didn't sleep for the entire weekend. Feeling dead.

• 5:52 PM: @poristhead tweets: @marblehornets when are you gonna post entry #53?

• 6:14 PM: Jay replies: @poristhead Whenever something happens worth putting on the channel.

• Friday, January 20, 2012:

• 4:08 PM: There has to be somewhere around here that Tim would frequent.

• Sunday, January 22, 2012:

• 1:41 PM: This place is the epitome of a small town. Almost everything is closed on Sundays.

• Tuesday, January 24, 2012:

Entry #53: Jay finds the antique shop where he saw Tim walk away, but is closed

• Reminder: Someone in the distance films Jay looking by the window from the antique shop

• 1:38 PM: Back in the downtown area. The store that Tim walked out of when I saw him is always closed when I'm here. No hours posted either.

• Saturday, January 28, 2012:

• 12:31 PM: Store's still closed. I looked through the window, and it seemed like an antique store of some kind?

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