Tribe Twelve Timeline Part 1 (????-2011)

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Just to quickly reiterate before we begin: Videos titles are in bold and tweets are in italic. If any of the tweets have video links and other stuff in them then it will be bold and italic in the is in  Years will be in bold and underlined. Also quick note about the tweets, If they have bad spelling they are meant to be like that.


◾Unconfirmed Date, around the time of WW2 - The Observer speaks of "The Event" in an answer on Noah's formspring involving the Administrator and the rest of The Collective.

◾1944 - Karl Maxwell is a member of the Office of Strategic Services, or 088. In the video "My Grandfather Karl", he tells Noah the story of how he and his squad were sent into the Black Forest, near where he grew up (near the town of vohrenbach). On their way there, they encountered an injured Nazi soldier, who appeared to be running from something. appeared to be running from something. It was here that Karl and his team met Der Großmann.

Unknown year

◾Unconfirmed date - In Noah was in a boat with Earl, his grandmother Sonia and his mother, when the boat capsized. Rather than save his wife (and Noah), Karl chose to instead go after a strange book. After this event, gag; became a recluse, and dropped out of contact with just about everyone. Noah talks about this event in an answer on his account. Scriniarii confirmed in canon that Henka Visaewas the captain of this boat.

◾Unconfirmed date Circa 1997-1998; Noah is 7 years old. - Noah is involved in a house fire that resulted in his entire home being destroyed.  [See "Secret Parent Interview" for Noah's confrontation with his parents about the incident.]


◾May 18th- Noah maxwell creates both the TribeTwelve youtube channel and Twitter account.

7:51 PM- My twitter account has officially been created.

7:52 PM- Started working on my final project for Mrs. Thomas's class on the Twelve Tribes of Israel. I'm new to this tweeting thing, so bear with me.

8:10 PM- Procrastination will be the end of me.

◾ May 19th

12:36 AM - I am done studying for the night. Staying up later than 3am to work on reports always makes makes me light headed. Sleep beckons me.

8:23 PM - I can't beleive it, I'm really confident about this video report. I have a feeling that I might actually get an A+ for once.

◾May 21th

4:11 PM - Mrs. Thomas just canceled the project. I was almost done and actually tried hard for once. I even made a YouTube account for it. Oh well.

◾May 28th - Milo Asher is found dead by suicide, allegedly of a medication overdose.

◾June 2th

5:27 PM - I just learned that my cousin, Milo, has died and no one knows how or why yet. I'm in shock, we were such good friends. I feel terrible...

◾June 5th

12:03 AM - I'm uploading a memorial video to my YouTube channel and will be posting video of Milo from 2008 in the coming days. Rest in peace, Milo.

8:23 AM - Introduction - In Memory of Milo Asher is uploaded and tweeted

◾June 7th

3:35 AM - Submission #1 is uploaded and tweeted

9:56 PM - Submission #2 is uploaded and tweeted

◾June 8th

9:32 PM - Submission #3 is uploaded and tweeted. Noah states in the tweet- "This tape is starting to disturb me"

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