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"Why does everyone in this damn school feel the need to post pictures of them sticking their tongues down each others' throats? Like, save it for the bedroom," I groaned, continuing to scroll through Instagram. I was laying down on June's bed next to her, having a very important and intellectual conversation, clearly.

"Wait, look at this picture Sadie just posted. She looks like a donkey with boobs," June complained, sending it to me over dms.

"Make that fake boobs, what a whore," I replied out loud, looking at the awkward position she was in in order to flash the entirety of her Instagram followers her nipples.

"Haha babe, agreed. She is a- damn!" June suddenly yelled, loud enough for her younger brother to hear from downstairs.

"What, what is it?" I sat up, leaning over to see her phone screen. She quickly snatched her phone away from my line of vision, giggling strangely.

"Oh, nothing... no one," She looked back down at her phone screen and her pupils dilated, making the blue in her eyes nearly invisible. She giggled softly again, tapping a few buttons and taking a screenshot.

"Did that one guy send you another hairy dick pic?" I asked, returning to my original position and continuing to scroll through my social media. "What was his name again? Fatty Joe?"

June giggled once more. I received another dm from her, this time it was a screenshot of an Instagram post. I opened it to see a picture of Corey Beckett, shirtless, on the beach gazing into the sunshine. The light reflected on his eyes making them sparkle, the waves crashing hiding his feet and ankles, the clouds covering the sun just enough that it reflected off the water onto his six pack abs. It would have been hot if Corey weren't a total asshole.

"Is this seriously what you were giggling about? This dickwad? Girl, even Unibrow Allie could do better than that."

"But Avie... he's so hot!" June whined as she rested her phone on her chest and turned her head to look at me.

"He dates girls just for the make out sessions and dumps them through making out with other girls when he gets bored. He's a total man-whore and a coward," I finished my speech to look back at June gazing at his picture. "June! I mean it! Don't waste your time staring at some prick who's gonna treat you the same as every other girl!"

"I'm different from them, Aveline. I'm not your typical basic slut, he'll see that. I'm gonna dm him," June said with glazed eyes and began typing something. I quickly stole the phone out of her hand and got up to dash to the other side of the room. I was taller than June, so I took the advantage a raising my arm up and wiggling around her phone so she couldn't reach it. June got off her bed with a lazy groan and sighed.

"Let me do what I want, Aveline," She spoke, trying to get her phone from me while on her tiptoes. June clenched her teeth and reached her full height, which wasn't good enough. I also stood up on my toes and smirked at her.

"I'm protecting you. He's an awful person! I won't allow you to be dm-ing jerks like that. He can have the sluts, but not you."

"I don't need protecting, and you're not my mom! Leave me be Aveline, and I mean it!" She jumped on me with a hiss and snatched the phone back from me. "I'm dm-ing him whether you like it or not!"

June sat back down on the edge of her bed. Her fingers began flying over the keyboard on her phone, sliding into Corey's dms just like every other girl in the school. We were nobodys, so I was immensely surprised when he replied to her. There were rumors that he got ten nudes a day on snap and fifteen flirty dms.

I sat down next to her in defeat, picking up my phone and replying to Hazel's text on our group chat. "Oh my fucking god! He replied to me!" I immediately jumped up to attention. I looked over at her.

"Really!? Already!? What did he say?" I turned more towards my best friend in order to decode her reactions.

"He said that he thinks I'm a 'cute little gem' and that he wants to hang out sometime!" June squealed all girly, clutching her phone like it was her literal child. I grinned at her, glad she landed herself a date, even if it was with the biggest douchebag on the face of the Earth. I was mildly okay with the thought of them going out once until she said those final, fateful words, "At his place!!"

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