Chapter 35 - Love Love

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*four days later*

It was dinner-time, and Asher was in his room asleep whilst my mother and I were eating takeout at the kitched counter. Our small dining room never got much use. Of course, five minutes into our meal, the baby started wailing.

I stopped eating instantly, peering at my mom, who was seated next to me. "You gonna get that?" 

She sighed and swallowed her food, "Rock paper scissors." I opened my mouth to argue, it wasn't my child after all, but decided to just shut up when my mother gave me a death stare. We played the dumb game, and of course I lost. 

With a groan, I ditched my food and went up the stairs to calm him down. Upon entering the still unfamiliar room, I observed the tiny kid screeching at me. What a brat. I scooped Asher up from his crib and shushed quietly, trying to get him to shut up. With the knowledge he was probably hungry, I took him back downstairs. 

Once I looked back at the counter, though, I saw Corey Beckett sitting at my seat and talking to my mother. I dumped the kid in my mom's arms, before facing him with, "When did you get here?" 

"Thirty seconds ago," He replied, swiftly hopping off my stool and pecking my forehead. I wrinkled said forehead in response. 

"And why are you here exactly?" 

Corey smiled at me. I smiled as well, but not for the same reason; my damn brother had finally shut up because my mother was feeding him. "I just had a question for you," He announced before pausing. I gestured for him to go on, to which he said, "are you my girlfriend?" 

"You never asked me to be."

"I said I love you."

"Yet you never made things official," I retorted, our conversation flowing quickly. I didn't care that my mother was most definitely listening in on everything we were saying. 

"Fine," Corey muttered before speaking up louder. "Will you be my girlfriend?" 

I pretended to think, scrunching up my eyebrows and tapping the counter obnoxiously. Corey gave me a look, fir me to finally sigh and say, "Yeah, I guess I will." 

"You guess?" Corey said, eyebrows raising so high they were practically in his hairline. I chuckled at him standing on my toes to peck his lips. 

"That's what I said," I teased, from Corey to grab my hips and pull me into a longer kiss. The same feeling erupted all over me, goosebumps trailing down my arms. 

"Hey, kids! I'm still here," My mom called, taking the bottle away from my brother and standing up. Corey and I broke apart, him looking embarrassed. 

"I don't give a shit." 

My mother raised her eyebrows at me, not caring that I had an attitude. "I need a nap, think you two can handle taking care of Asher for a bit?" 

Corey nodded quickly, not giving me any time to disagree. I pursed my lips in mock annoyance, watching as my mother handed the baby to Corey. She then retreated up the stairs, leaving just me, my brother, and my new boyfriend. 

Naturally, I plopped on the couch and turned on a random show. Corey took a seat next to me, whispering random bullshit to the kid in his arms. "What're you saying?" I asked in a quiet tone after a few minutes. 

"Just telling him how special and loved he is." 

"That's definitely what he needs," I remarked sarcastically. Corey chuckled and forced the child into my arms. 

"You talk to him then," Corey insisted before leaning back and watching. 

I smirked, ready to take on the 'challenge'. "Hey, little shit. Good to see you're not whining at me." 

"Aveline!" Corey whisper-shouted. "You're so rude. Tell him how you feel about him. Dig deep down inside and just show him you care." 

"Why though?" 

"Just do it," Corey demanded with another little chuckle. 

I sighed, before gazing back down at his big green eyes. "Fine, I love you, little shit. No matter how much you remind me of my dead brother, I still love you." 

Looking back up and at Corey, I saw that he was staring directly into my eyes. He looked so happy and gorgeous, more so than usual, that I blurted out how I felt for the second time that day. 

"Don't worry, Cunty, I love you, too."

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