Chapter 2 - Sly Wink

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*two weeks later*

I slammed my hand down onto my alarm clock loudly, most likely waking up my entire family. At least, my parents, seeing as my brother was always up before me on school days. I groaned and rolled out of bed, stumbling to stand up. In the morning, I was even grumpier than I was the rest of the day.

I quickly dressed myself and put on a minimal amount of makeup. I snatched my untouched backpack up off the floor, remembering the homework I didn't complete. I lazily walked down the stairs to my kitchen. I immediately perked up seeing Ashton, who was sitting at the counter typing on his laptop.

He looked up at my with his green eyes and shined me a tired smile. "Hey Aveline, what's up?" He asked, still typing but not looking at his computer screen.

"Hi Ash, nothing, what are you doing?" I questioned, sitting next to him at the counter. I leaned onto his shoulder to see his computer screen.

"Ah, just an essay due next week. I'm kinda stressing about it." He replied, continuing to type. I'd always admired the way he could multitask with such ease. My brother was by far the most talented person I knew, especially seeing as how he got a full scholarship to the University of Minnesota. Ashton worled really hard.

"I'm sure you'll get it all done in time, and really well," I grinned, looking at his beautiful eyes. He ran a hand through his dark brown hair and let out a tired chuckle.

"I hope you're right," Ash sighed and finished up the paragraph he was working on. Ashton sighed once again. He then closed his laptop, gave me a kiss on the cheek, and walked upstairs. His nurse followed behind him, giving me a soft smile. I smiled back at her sweetly, having been releived of my grumpiness from a short conversation with my brother.

I stalked back around the countertop and searched the cupboards for something to eat. Finally settling on a measly pack of jello, I grabbed a plastic spoon and sat in the spot previously occupied by Ashton.

I slowly ate my breakfast, whipping out my phone from my back pocket, which was already dying. I saw that June hadn't even looked at my texts, but Samantha wouldn't stop spamming our group chat. June hadn't come to school for two weeks since the breakup and wouldn't even turn on her phone. If it weren't for Julia's constant rambling about her hanging out with June, I would have thought she was dead.

I replied to Samantha once again, then turned my phone off, bored. I threw away my jello cup and slung my backpack over my shoulder, strolling out of the house.

I carefully plugged my earbuds into my phone and began to play my Stone Sour playlist.

I was forced to walk to school because June wasn't there to pick me up every morning like she used to. I continued on the treacherous three miles as the after effects of speaking to Ashton had begun to ware off. I dragged my feet, not concentrating on what I was doing. At some point, I nearly got hit by a car but didn't care.

I finally arrived at school and stomped in through the front door. I slouched my way to my locker to see Hazel and Samantha already there. Usually, June and Julia would be there too, but Julia had run off a week previous to hang out with the wannabe popular girls and June had decided to disappear from Earth.

Hazel sent me a small smile and Samantha had a blank face with crossed arms. I sent her a death glare from under my mascara smudged eyelashes and kicked my locker. After it popped open, I shoved my backpack into it and ripped out my books for first hour, which I would be going to alone.

Hazel, Samantha and I all awkwardly stood by locker, silently. "I wanna drop off my stuff in my first hour classroom," I stated bluntly before turning over my left shoulder. Hazel and Samantha silently followed behind me as I walked up the stairs towards my math class.

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