Chapter 22 - Relapse

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*two days later*

The awkward tension within the friend group had not deteriorated, but much to my surprise, Celine and Hazel had been getting along well. Celine had actually been growing closer with everyone in the group, other than Samantha. With Sam things were going in the opposite direction for everybody.

I went to school on Friday to see them all at my locker, except for Ryder, as usual. He wasn't typically there in the mornings, for a reason no one knew. I stomped grumpily to my locker like I always did and slammed my foot against it.

What I was not expecting was to get a face full of hot pink glitter.

I closed my eyes once I saw it coming, only to open them a moment later covered in the shiny stuff. I screamed at the top of lungs. Pink and sparkles were two of my least favorite things. "Get this shit off of me!" I screeched. I tried to dust it off, but of course it wasn't working. I was covered in a shit ton.

The people in the group were chuckling lightly, but all claimed that it wasn't them. When someone came around the corner cackling, though, I knew exactly who had planted the glitter bomb.

"June Winston, I'm going to fucking murder you!" I shouted, much to the dismay of a teacher standing nearby. The lady started yelling at me, but I was long gone chasing after June. I was fulling sprinting, which easily caught up to June's petite jog.

"Aw, Avie? You wanna get revenge?" She taunted as I gripped her upper arm. I lazily slapped her face, to which she merely pouted. I was thinking up ways to retaliate when all of my friends caught up to us. Corey tried to come forward but Sam pushed him back and instead came towards us.

"June, you think you're so clever, but a simple trip to the principal's office could get you suspended," Samantha threatened. June's eyes widened, not wanting to ruin her 'perfect reputation', as Sam just smirked. "But that's no fun. We'll get you back, way worse, but of course you won't have any proof that it was us."

"You don't have proof on m-"

I cut June off slyly with, "Yes we do, you're covered in glitter."

She looked down to notice that I had gotten a ton of the sparkles on her as well. I laughed and let go of her arm, to which June fell on the floor. The group began travelling back to my locker. On the way, Corey slung a muscular arm over my shoulder and began talking. "You wanna skip today? I mean, you need to get cleaned up and-"

"I think I'm fine," I retorted in a happy tone. "You need to go to class anyway, you skip too much."

I smiled widely as Corey scoffed. Once everyone arrived at my locker again, I dipped and made my way to the girl's bathroom to clean up. Once there, I had a lot of time to formulate my next plan; revenge part two thousand.


*one day later*

It was Saturday night, 11:56 pm. I had been trying to sleep but I just wasn't tired. Midnight was fairly early for a weekend, but I had to be especially quiet with my mother always sleeping and it got rather boring. I couldn't take it any more, the not being able to sleep and the urges. Getting out of my bed silently, I exited my room and made my way downstairs. As I slipped on my heavy winter coat, I felt the pockets to make sure I still had my stuff before leaving the house.

I walked a bit before arriving at our community park, with a small playground and a lot of open field. I continued to slowly travel before taking a seat in the middle of the grass. I then unzipped my pocket and whipped out the small lighter and pack of cigarettes. Lighting one up, I immediately look a deep breath.

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