Chapter 11 - Joking Questions

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Corey gave me a weirded out look before shrugging and turning up the volume on the radio, which was still on the rock station for some reason.

"Why did you put it on this radio anyway? I thought you liked..." I paused, shuddering at the thought. "Country music." I mimicked a throwing up motion.

Corey snickered at my distaste before replying, "I just wanted to make you happy."

I stopped the puking, observing him as if he was insane. I looked away quickly, a weird feeling coming over me that made me want to run out of the car. "Whatever," I muttered, still feeling odd. Just then Ashton's favorite song came on, making jump to attention and begin mouthing the lyrics along with it. Corey noticed this and once again turned up the volume.

"This song is depressing," He mentioned, making me have deja vu for a second.

"You've said that before," I announced, jamming out. "But this is Ashton's favorite song, my brother I mean."

Corey laughed at me before replying, "I know who Ashton is. It's just weird that his favorite song is about death."

I was about to scream at my pretend boyfriend for calling Ash weird, but we had just arrived in the school parking lot. I quickly flicked the keys out of the ignition and exited his car. Since it was about two hours after school ended, no one was there and it was locked. I handed Corey his keys back and dragged him to the back entrance, near the locker rooms and football field.

Pulling a safety pin out of my scissor-cropped sweater, I leant over and stuck the sharp end into the lock. The unsettling scratching noise put Corey off, forcing him to cover his ears and slowly back up. I shifted the pin around in the lock, clicking buttons and scarring the metal until it unlocked.

"You seem like you've done this before," Corey commented slyly as I opened the door to the school and gestured for him to enter. He gave me an odd look and opened his big mouth to speak again, causing me to shush him.

"Just shut up and go in, ladies first," I shoved him inside the old building, following behind and closing the large glass door. Corey groaned at me for making fun of him but allowed it to occur.

I dragged him through the dark hallways and towards the girls locker room, not caring that Corey wasn't a female. We entered together and were met with the sight of Ronda peacefully lighting another strange-scented candle in the middle of the room. She was in the exact same place and position that she was in the last time I saw her, which was quite comical to me.

Corey looked terrified. He leant over to mutter in my ear, "What the fuck?"

"Quit stealing my lines!" I whispered back before entering the room further and sitting cross legged in front of Divination Ronda. "Hello Ronda. Could you explain to Corey who you are?"

"Hello Avelaide. Hello Coren. I am Divination Ronda. I live here and I know everything. Ask me your questions," She stated in her soft, smooth voice. Corey glanced at me and hesitated. "Don't be nervous!"

Corey visibly freaked out at that, confused as to how Ronda knew he was nervous. "Um, first off, my name is Corey-"

"Fine, I'll start," I butted in, getting bored with the delay. "Does Corey love me?"

"Not yet," Divination Ronda retorted immediately. I didn't pay attention to her answer and instead indication for Corey to ask her something.

"Does Aveline love me?" Corey asked, giving me a side eye.


Corey pouted at the blunt answer and started picking at the raggedy old rug that he was sitting on next to me. I questioned Ronda once again after racking my brain. "What would happen if Corey slept with Caden like I did?"

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