Chapter 8 - Blossoming Argument

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*two days later*

"Bye Ash," I waved to my dear old brother as he strolled away from my car, into his gaming club meeting. I speedily drove out of his friend's driveway before slowing down to drive to school. I took my time seeing as I was an hour earlier than I usually was. I continued blasting my music throughout the entire journey there. "The world is so cold, now that you've gone away," I sang low and sweetly along, thinking of Ashton during his favorite song of all time.

I pulled into the school parking. I exited my car upon hearing the conclusion of the song, tugging my backpack along with me. I opened and entered through the front doors, hearing a slight squeak through the silent school. I began making my way to my locker. My combat boots stomping loudly, I echoed throughout the deserted hallways. Feeling it begin to slip off, I jerked my backpack further up my shoulder.

Turning the corner, I was surprised to see June inside my locker. I watched her silently, allowing her to do her business, probably a hate crime, not even caring if she fucked with my stuff. My strange calmness at the situation shocked even myself.

I saw Winston slip a small piece of paper out of the back pocket of her bright pink jean shorts. She snapped her bubblegum loudly, vibrating against the cool brick walls. I peered at her through narrow, angry eyes. June shoved her little note into my locker before quietly shutting it.

She looked around suspiciously before tiptoeing away. I made sure the mistrustful girl had fled the seen before advancing fiercely to my personal cabinet. I punted the locker sharply with my foot, resulting in it jumping open for me. Ignoring the note that was laying on the top shelf, I pushed my backpack inside and clutched my books and unfinished homework for math.

I watched as people began slowly trickling into school. Spotting Samantha and Hazel walk in together, arms linked, I too marched along with the crowd. I followed them to their lockers, which somehow managed to land next to each other. The two were inseparable, just like June and I used to be. Watching them bicker about different versions of the newest gossip, I angrily realized that I was without a best friend. I sighed deeply from behind them.

Sam and Hazel turned at the sudden noise, momentarily halting their argument. "Oh, hey thot," Sam greeted me, a scowl overtaking my face at her words. Sam turned to continue with Hazel, but she was looking at me confusedly.

"Why are you here so early?" She directed. Sam rolled her eyes, looking impatient.

"That's not important. But I did get here really early and saw June digging through my stuff again," I looked at my acquaintances. Samantha raised her eyebrows as if to tell me to continue. I shined her a smirk before speaking up again. "Yeah, she left me a note."

"Really?!" Hazel perked up excitedly.

"Yep. I give no shits, though, therefore, I'm not reading it," I responded in monotonous voice. Hazel widened her eyes at me and Sam attempted to mimic my famous death glare.

"Screw you, Aveline. Haze and I want to know what it says," Samantha declared, sending a quick gaze at Hazel when she said her name. Hazel watched her, lightly surprised. After a few of moments of intense eye contact that had Hazel visibly shuddering, I decide to speak up.

"Okay, get a room my friendly neighborhood gays," I joked, chuckling at Sam's icy cold stare and Hazel's nervous scowl. "Kidding, kidding, I know you're straight Hazel," I awkwardly said after getting no response other than strange looks from the both of them. My statement was followed by a quick, teasing wink at Samantha, though.

"Whatever, but I want to know what the hell that note says by the end of the day or I'm telling Corey you have an STD," Samantha made a poor attempt at blackmailing me.

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