Chapter 25 - Pancake Powder

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We remained in our comfortable position for longer than I probably realised, until I spoke up again. In a hushed tone, I said, "Ashton and I used to sit next to each other on my bed in the middle of the night and have these amazing deep talks."

Corey held his silence for a moment before raising his head from the crook of my neck. He whispered, "What would you talk about?", encouraging me to let my feelings out even more.

"Oh, anything," I replied quietly, turning back around in Corey's strong hold. We were facing each other in the room, which was slowly getting more moonlit. "But usually love, or relationships. He always wanted a girlfriend who wasn't bothered by his condition."

Corey nodded sadly, reaching up a bit to run his hand soothingly through my hair. I slowly closed my eyes at the nice feeling, thinking of the last time he did that. "Remember when you brought me home after I fought June?" I questioned, opening my eyes again.

Corey let out a soft chuckle and a small smile shined on his face. I observed his features for real, taking in his bright blue eyes, sharp cheekbones, and the faint dimples that I'd never noticed before. "Yeah, of course I do," He responded with a little, adorable grin.

"Why'd you do that, anyway?" I asked yet another question in a whispered tone.

"I just wanted to help."


"It seemed like you needed it," He muttered, almost unintelligibly. "And I didn't want to be a jerk during a hard time in your life."

I mirrored his half smile, which made his own grow bigger. I opened my mouth to say something, only to yawn widely.

Corey's chuckle made me grin wider as well, and soon we were just laying in each other's arms and smiling. His eyes darted all over my face before he started another mini conversation. "What did you say in your conversations about love?"

I groaned at his curiosity, not wanting to be so open. I said it anyway, though, uttering, "I just wanted a guy to understand me. Or, like, not want me just to fuck."

I felt Corey's hand run through my hair blissfully once again. My eyes fluttered closed, and he put his face in my neck again. A few more moments passed before he whispered one last thing in my ear, "That's all Caden ever wanted. But not with Celine, with her it's different." I nodded knowingly, feeling sleepier and sleepier every second.

I started to drift off, only to feel Corey shift the slightest bit and lay a soft kiss on the top of my head. I kept my eyes closed while memories flooded in of all the times he kissed me. Corey's lips had always been so full and soft.

Lost in my thoughts and tiredness, I almost didn't hear what Corey murmured next. His head was still resting in the crook of my neck when he uttered, "I would never just want you for sex and I don't really know why."


I woke up and all I felt was warm, inside and out. I pulled my arms out from around Corey and his embrace to rub my eyes. I opened them to see him also just waking up.

"What time is it?" I grumbled, twisting to get out from our cuddling. Corey groaned softly and let go of me. I rolled out of bed to check the time, only to realise that it was 12 pm.

Corey sighed deeply and sat up, speaking in his equally hoarse morning voice, "So?"

"Noon," I muttered in reply, setting my phone on my desk where I found it. I sludged over to Corey and grasped his hands to pull him out of bed. Corey grumbled but stood up and adjusted his appearance slightly. Running a swift hand through his hair, he kept his other hand placed in mine.

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