Chapter 4 - No STDs

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Hazel and I held our breaths. We glanced at each other as Samantha hesitated.

"Sammy, you don't-" Hazel began.

"I have to tell someone and you guys are the only ones I trust."

"Okay then just tell us already!" I complained, starting to become inpatient.

"I fucked a guy who's seven years older than me and his condom snapped and my period is late so I might be pregnant!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. The room was dead silent except for Corey, who was at the top of the stairs and heard the whole thing.

He gasped loudly and spoke, "You have to take a test! Now!"

Corey dashed down my stairs and shoved his shoes on. Samantha sobbed and stood up, solemnly following Corey out of my house. I was left alone with Hazel.

She remained silent, as usual, so I decided to speak up. "Well, what do you think she should do if she's preggo?"

Hazel's head snapped to face me. I saw anger burning in her eyes, something that was typical in my own. "You are so terrible. She gets to make her own decision on what she does or doesn't do with her child."

"Ah, once again you act like a freaking angel. Quit being so good! I'm making you listen to my music while we wait for the big news!" I announced, annoyed by her heavenliness.

Hazel scoffed and rolled her eyes but sat back and allowed me to connect my phone to a speaker. I suddenly blasted a Nirvana album, causing Hazel to jump so high she nearly fell off my couch.

Hazel scowled at me, returning to her previous position and crossing her arms.

"I'm not that good," She stated proudly. I snorted in disbelief as she stole my phone from my hand and turned off Kurt Cobain's yelling.

"Well, prove it then."

Hazel hopped off of my couch, purposely that time, and gave me a wicked smirk.

"I have a plan for you and Corey to get revenge on June."


I sat still on my couch, shocked into silence. Her plan was really good.

"So, basically, without all of the extra crap you put in, you want Corey and I to fake date and then flaunt it in front of June?" I asked, still in slight shock. Never had I thought I'd see the day where Hazel Myers got revenge.

Hazel smirked at me and it was almost as intense as when Corey smirked at me when he walked through my front door once again.

Corey was followed by Samantha, who's cheeks were tear-stained. Hazel stood up and looked at her with extreme concern. I rolled my eyes at her being so caring.

"Well?" I asked, standing up as well. "Spit it out." Hazel slapped my arm and Corey gave me a look.

Samantha hesitated before grinning widely. "Not pregnant!" Hazel gave her a big hug and a sweet smile.

"And no STDs!" Corey added quickly before trying to give me a high five, but failed seeing as I didn't raise up my hand.

"New tell me about this 'older man' you've been screwing," I nudged Sam with a witty smirk. Once again, Hazel rolled her eyes.

"Well, I was walking in town when this drunk guy named Celery came along," Samantha began. I snorted at the boy's name, but Corey stiffened. I gave him a weird glance as Samantha continued. "He convinced me to go to this bar with him. That's when I met Anderson, who bought me a drink. We danced, made out, and eventually walked back to my apartment. We've been doing it ever since."

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