Eyeless Jack Part one

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I run as a fast as I can to a really dark alley and sit down. I break down and starts to cry. That date was a disaster! I hear footsteps but I ignore them and continue to cry.
"You Okay?" Someone asks, I look up trying to see who it was but couldn't see because it was so dark.
"No.," I said and tried to stop sobbing, the person sits down and places its hand on my shoulder.
"I'm Jack," the person says and I'm sure that this was a guy. (No offense if you're a girl named Jack ;) )
"I kno- pretty name," he says and I chuckle, he nervously chuckles and I press my back against the wall behind me. Jack moves next to me and does the same.
"I should get going now," I say and starts standing up.
"Without me?" Jack says and it felt like he was smirking kind of. "Take me," He says and I laugh when I understand.
(If you do then I luv ya) 
I take his hand and make him follow me to my house. When we walk in I could finally see his face. Brown hair, blue eyes (IDK OKAY?!:!2! And he is in his human form rn)
"Wow.," I say.
"Nothin'... hmmm" I look at the wall and he goes over to close the door. He makes sure to lock it and walks towards me.

Jacks perspective
I take Jeff's knife from my pocket that I stole and keeps it behind my back, she looks at me questioning and I hard hit the handle of the knife against her head so she falls to the floor unconscious.
I take a rope and tie her hands together and then her feet. I take her on my shoulder and walk out. I run into the woods and takes Jeff's knife out again and carve the Slendermark. I do the same to the other tree across and soon a portal comes up. I walk through it and I see the Slendermansion. I walk in and everybody stares at me. I smirk...

Next chapter tease

"Who's that?" Jeff says but quickly runs over and takes his knife back. He flips me off and I laugh. Toby rolled his eyes and grabbed the unconscious girl up to my PLAYROOM (LOL) and now it's time for some play time.

I don't do love... x

(((((((Cringe af

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