Chapter 4- Help Him

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You felt him go still in your arms and started to panic.

But this was your chance to help him without causing any pain.

You gently laid his head down while you ran over to a first aid box in Yubaba's cupboard. The only reason you knew it was there was because Lin spoke about having to come up here, and clean Haku's wounds. She used to do it a lot but suddenly was refused entry to the office - she never saw the inside again. She told you so many stories about it and in such great detail you couldn't help but try and remember it all. Grabbing the first aid box and the bandages within it, you hurried back to Haku and peeled off the shirt. Once you could clearly see the bruises and slashes along his body, you swiped swabs in antiseptic and cleaned each gash. You started wrapping the bandages around him, focusing on his back and torso which seemed to have been the main source of his beatings. Once it was finished you tied it to another piece on his hip.

You were blushing furiously, yet the professionalism you had adopted since working in the Aburaya kept your hands and fingers moving. Haku had a well toned body - a beautiful face and you couldn't help but smile as you looked at him. You weren't even minding if he was waking when his eyes opened and saw you staring at him. "Umm..." he hummed quietly and you whipped your head towards him. You could feel your face turning red as you turned away from his face. "Your going to have to re-dress the bandages almost every second or third day." You said as you fidgeted with the end of your uniform.

Haku smiled and looked up at the ceiling. "Thank you Y/N, truly" he said and sighed as he remembered what he had to do. He looked at you and smirked. "Yubaba left out a new uniform for you In the room to the left. Go change because your going to have to show some authority around here from now on." he said quietly as you stood up. He watched you walked to the room and stepped into it.

It looked to be a walk in closet.

You gasped when you saw what was lying on the chair. It was beautiful!

The way the gold lining shimmered in the light, all along the gorgeous fabric. The neck piece glimmered and the sparkle off of it made you grin with delight. The white seemed to gleam with radiance as it morphed into the other colours. It was... amazing. A cherry blossom pink colour saturated the clothing. The sleeves were drooping and the skirt had slits up both sides. The swirling details work along the fabric like a whirlpool stirred by a spring breeze. You weren't sure if you'd ever see  something so beautiful.

And putting it on would be even better.

You stared at the beautiful clothing for quite some time before moving to climb into the new ensemble. You undressed out of your old uniform and got into this one. It was so soft and slid on easily as if it was made just for you. You rested the hood down and made sure your hair was looking somewhat presentable. It hung beautifully around your shoulders.

You smiled and walked back out to Haku to start your work. He was looking at the wall when he heard you come back out, turning his head he looked at you and his cheeks reddened. "You look good." he said under his breath and studied you. He shook his head as if trying to get rid of an awful thought.

You were getting uncomfortable and shifted your weight to your other leg whilst rubbing your arm. "So, what's the first job I have to do?" You ask politely. "Go check if the baby is ok, then go down to the baths and make sure everything is in order." he explained as he tried to get up. He grunted with pain and you rushed to his side.

"Haku stay here and rest." you explain as you support his back. "I'll do the jobs for today okay? You just get your strength up." you carefully helped him lie down again, he sighed defeated and obviously frustrated.

"Fine, just go do the first two jobs and I'll tell you what to do after that." He says and looks back at the wall. You nod and back out towards the baby's room.

You stood at the door listening for any noise, hearing none, you stepped in quietly. The room was littered with plushies and toys along with cushions and blankets. You searched for the baby and saw a chubby hand sticking out underneath some blankets. You carefully stepped over the toys and stopped beside the baby. Gently, you lifted up the blanket and he was staring back at you. "Your not my Mommy!" He screamed and started crying. You started to panic and got down on your knees. "Shushhh... did your mommy tell you she was going away for a few days? She is going to do... something... and I'm going to take care of you!" You said cheerfully.

The baby narrowed its eyes and grabbed the blanket wrapping it around himself tighter. He huffed and you kneeled there slightly dumbfounded. You stared at the heap of blankets that stirred with every breath, before standing and leaving the room.

Alright! One job down, so many more to go...


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