Chapter 17- Usotsuki

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Your eyes flickered open to the dim lighting in the room. A sweet scent wafted through the air filling your lungs, immediately making you relax. You looked around realizing you were in a bedroom of some sort. Your memory was a bit fuzzy for some time, but soon enough the memories of the past few days came flooding back through your mind. You lay on the bed remembering everything that had happened, a certain memory stood out from most.

How did you get here?

With that question on repeat in your mind you heaved your self out of the comfy sheets and trudged out the door. You were greeted by the bright lights of morning and couldn't help but wince. You shuffled on further determined to get an answer from someone.

Preferably Haku.

You entered the kitchen/living room and saw Zeniba conversing with Haku quietly. They didn't notice you straight away so you knocked softly on the door frame. Haku was the first to lift his gaze and Zeniba followed. A smile spread across their faces as they both raised from their seats. "Y/N! Feeling any better?" Haku was by you in a flash bending down lightly to be at your eye-level. You nodded slightly and turned to see a grinning Zeniba.
"I want an invitation to the wedding." You felt a blush creep up to your cheeks and you pulled out of Hakus grasp on your shoulder. He rubbed his neck nervously and a low chuckle escaped his lips. "Uh..." he hummed and moved off outside for some fresh air. You couldn't contain the embarrassment, your face was red and you were fidgeting non stop. "Oh you children are so childish." Zeniba scolded and moved off to prepare some tea.

"Perhaps that's why we are children." you say contradicting her very statement. She gives a low chuckle in resignation. "Perhaps." she replies as she emptied the boiling water into three mugs and roots around for leaves. You sit down at the table resting your chin in your hand and your elbow on the table.

"How are you feeling?" Zeniba questions as she dips leaves in and out of the water. "A bit dizzy but other than that alright. My leg is throbbing but it's not painful." she nodded in understanding. "It'll be like that for a few days dear, nerves and all that." she set the three mugs down on the table one for you and another beside you and one for herself. She sat down across from you gaining a serious look. Her gaze was trained on your neck, you glanced down and remembered the gem that spirit had given you. "You know what it is don't you?" She asked at random. "Well, Yeah, I mean it shifted me into that beast creature" she nodded slightly looking down at her tea. "It's more than that Y/N, it's a Usotsuki, it has... side affects" she seemed unsure of how to phrase her sentence. "Side affects?" You asked confused. She let out a frustrated sigh. "It's... very powerful Y/N. Who gave it to you?" She asked as she tapped the mug with her nail creating a piercing sound. It rang through you head making you whimper in pain. "A spirit that followed me around for a few months. Turns out it was a henchman to the Shadows" you could only focus on that blasted tapping sound as you stared at her nail clicking against the porcelain. "Mmm..." She hummed as she watched your reactions to her antics.

The door creaked open behind you and Haku stepped in after regaining his composure. He pulled the chair out beside you almost immediately noticed your frigid posture, your eyes trained on the mug. "Y/N? Are you alright?" He asked leaning towards you searching for a sign of pain. Zeniba kept on tapping that damn mug and your head was pounding. It was as if someone was hitting you repeatedly with a sledge hammer. Then you growled.

You actually growled.

Like you did when you were shifted.

Zeniba nodded satisfied and ceased the tapping.

"A Usotsuki- a Lie." She shook her head. "Your sense have been heightened and unfortunately, the shouts of a dragon will deep into you. Becoming a part you, so to say."

But one thing. HOW THE HELL DO WE HAVE 902 READS!?! Like whhaaaaat!? That's 98 reads off of a thousand! I cAnT brEAthE!

How do I say thank you!?

Oh I know...

Next chapter it's gonna be hella lotta more lovin' from Haku. As a thank you 😂

Anyways till next time!



✔️Spirited Away by the Shadows- (Haku X Reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ