Chapter 10- Silence

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The day had a weird air around it. Everything felt off and you kept looking behind your back expecting to see the spirit or someone looking at you. Speaking of the spirit.. you hadn't seen it all day. A part of you felt a slight disappointment that it was gone and it's constant presence wasn't there. The loneliness had begun to creep it's way back into your being. You sighed and trudged on through the House. Spirits were still busying around while workers tended and cared for them. You had done a decent job of keeping everything running smoothly. No problems had been raised and everything seemed to be OK. 

That was until now.

A loud crash sounded from the left and the wall caved in. You dropped to the ground with the impact of rubble crashing into your side. You winced as the pain blossomed through your body and forced yourself to search for some movement through the dust. You felt the skin along your side, noticing how tender it had become and gasped with the sting.

Eventually after a moment or so the dust began to settle. You could make out a very large shadow standing within the hole you presumed it had created. As the dust cleared away you could make out a Shadow Spirit.

Oh hell to the no.

You leaped to your feet and bolted over the railing. Those spirits moved in packs and they were not a force to be reckoned with. You sprinted to the balcony, upon reaching it you shouted over the baths and bars.

"CLEAR OUT IMMEDIATELY! DONT LOOK BACK AND DONT ENGAGE WITH THE SHADOWS! STAY IN THE LIGHT." you ordered and all out chaos erupted. The thundering of feet and shouts and screams of terror rang through the walls. As the house began to empty you sighed in relief. With everyone filing out and into the streets, it would prevent the shadows being able to hurt anyone. Since they couldn't be seen in the sun, that is. Turning around, you were met with an image you weren't all excited to be enduring.

Oh no...

A Shadow sprit stood before you and at its right hand side was the thing that had followed you around for so long, stood at the beckoning call of the enemy. You stiffened immediately and stayed still. The Shadow moved a hand and from the dark depths of the House, the floating body of a pale Haku appeared.

That's when you lost it.

Your fists balled as you stared at the tall boy who you had took care of and had meant so much to you. Even in the months of silent glances you had shared, that tiny flame of a hope for something began to grow. The anger within your being was like a wild fire spreading across a forest, devouring everything in its path. You were the forest, anger consuming your every limb. You were the fire, you were destroying everything that came near anything that was close to your touch.

You jumped for Haku which was a useless move. The Shadow pulled him away and you fell to the wall. The spirit who has followed you for so long, slunk back into the shadows. It was becoming obviously, these useless attempts of throwing your body at problems wasn't always going to be successful.

You lunged for Hakus pale hand, your fingers brushing off of his cold skin. The Shadow seemed to grow in size, the light manipulating around it. You turned your attention to it as it began to tower of you.

Well, damn.

You stood still and stared into the non-existent eyes of the evil creature. It hissed and opened a jawless mouth. "You have threeee dayyyyyys" it rasped and and warped into itself taking Haku with it. His blue eyes opening just as he vanished from your life once again.


You stayed kneeling on the ground as you felt fresh, salty tears fall down your cheeks. You let out a desperate sob between your lips and clasped a hand to your mouth. Shadows were shifting all around you, they were taking over.

And you couldn't do anything about it.

The Spirit that has been so much of a burden, appeared beside you and let out a soft gasp. You swivelled around never hearing it be so gentle. It extended an arm and in its long bony fingers sat a beautiful, golden gem stringed onto a silver string that glistened in the remains of light that was left. You looked up at the spirit and it moved closer and clipped the gem around your neck. A feeling of new wonders rushed through your body.

And then there was silence.


"I look for you every day, every night. I close my eyes from the fear, from the light."
-To Die For, Sam Smith



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