Chapter 21- Fly

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The nightmares were a frequent visitor in your mind. Every night when you closed your eyes you were captured into a horror that wouldn't let you go.

It always consisted of one thing.

Losing Haku.

You didn't understand why this was happening, perhaps the events of the past couple of days were beginning to catch up on you, you weren't quite sure.

When you woke up it was always to the smiling face of the boy that caused you such dreams. He made sure you were ok, soothing you and cooing reassurances.

And here you were, repeating the cycle for the past few weeks since the second attack of the Shadows. You were clutching onto Haku, he was rocking you back and forth whilst you sat in his lap and Zeniba was preparing tea. The tears had begun to dry on your cheeks but the terror of the dream you had just witnessed played over and over like a broken record.

It always ended the same way.

Yet you weren't used to it.

Once your sobs had died down Haku placed you on the bed but kept a steadying hand on your shoulder. "You good?" He asked in a caring tone. You nodded your thanks with a weak smile and stood up heading for the kitchen. He followed you and soon enough you were both sitting at the table awaiting your tea.

Today you and Haku would be leaving, to go and rescue Yubaba and try and win back the BathHouse. You had no exact plan but decided to go with your gut. Spontaneous ideas were a common thing between the pair of you, so what could go wrong?

The steam from the tea warmed your face as you peered down at the sweet substance. You took a sip of it and immediately your nerves calmed down, you swore Zeniba put some sort of nerve calming medicine or herbs to help you relax. It worked for a while but it wore off eventually.

As did all things.

Haku has already finished his tea and was in deep conversation with Zeniba, preparing things and what not. You weren't that interested in the conversation but when their voices got lower you decided to do a little bit of eavesdropping.

"I think she should stay here, then she can fully heal."

"But you know I can't leave her, it's just not in the cards Zeniba!"

"But she would be safer-"

You cut in across Zeniba, you staying here while Haku went to fight for your home was not going to happen.

"I'm going with Haku" you said determined, Haku gave Zeniba an 'I told you so' look and smirked hiding behind his cup as he sipped away at the contents within. Zeniba turned her attention to you. "Dear, you need time to fully recover! Your leg may be healed but your mental health isn't... stable." she meant well, she did.

But you weren't in the mood for it.

"I'm going with Haku. My leg is fine, my head is also fine. Thanks for everything Zeniba but this time I can handle my own problems." you knew it was a bit harsh, especially with all the woman has done for you. But yet you still stand, leaving the table before anyone else could get a word in.

Silence claimed that small cottage as the evening grew on.


Now fully clad in comfortable yet suitable gear for the journey and conflict ahead, you and Haku stepped back out into the marsh underneath the cover of night. The moon was the only thing that provided light, it was the only thing guiding you home.

Or well, what was left of your home.

"I'll shift, you ride on me we can switch once we are back on land, deal?" Haku said taking off his bag. You slung it over your shoulder with a smile. "Deal" you agreed as he jumped and transformed into that magnificent white dragon of his.

He landed beside you with a grin on his snout as you climbed into his neck. You clung on as he took off into the dark at lightning speed, barely able to hear the shouts of Zeniba wishing good luck upon you. The stars shone bright above you as you flew,

You may be heading towards the end of your days.

But if it was with him, it would be worth it.

I haven't updated in soooo longgggg.

I'm so sorry!!!

Also I apologize for this not being a very big Haku x Reader chapter. I need to push it along cuz I got big plans and the story has only about 10 more chapters before its end... but no worries! Cuz that's still a hella lotta more time for our dear Haku to... I can't tell you yet. ALSO, I'm considering doing a book two, and it might change things for the future of this book soooo... give me your opinions?

Cookies and cream,



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