Chapter 30- The Finale

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You lay on the crisp white sheets of the doctors bed as you stared at a teary eyed Haku. You were still hostile towards Him but what could you say?

You had just become a true spirit and here he was in bits with the fact that your even moving.

He seemed to hesitate standing in the door way, not moving in case this was a dream. He tried to stifle his cries with his hand, his icy blue eyes filled with tears. You felt an urge to kiss him, but realization always triumphs fantasy.

It just wasn't going to happen.

You frowned at Haku, his antics were unforgivable. And after an amazing night together, he left and got attention from someone else...

Attention from her.

Chihiro brought a whole new range of emotions to your mind. Anger, spite and all out hatred.

"Is she dead?" You spoke, your usual melodic voice rough after taking in loads of water and being basically dead.

Haku relaxes at the sound of your voice. "No, she left after they... after they took you a-away" he couldn't seem to get the words out of his mouth. He still believed this was a dream and if someone pinched him...

He would have to relive his nightmare.

You nodded at his words. Chihiro ran, of course she did. She knew when she wasn't in a winning position and she always backed out before she could lose.


"Do you know where she's gone?" You looked at him with one brow raised. The moment you were better the first thing you were going to do was rip out that brats throat.

"Back to the Human world. She has a life she needs to uphold there, here is just a place she escapes to I guess." He shrugged as if trying to think on her mindset. A silence claimed the room as the two of you began to think about why she dispersed back to the human world, after causing havoc in this world.

Then a thought came to mind.

"Why did you do it Haku..." you broke the silence, you couldn't bare to look at his weary frame or blood stained clothes. It was an overwhelming sight and... the hurt that came along with it was too much.

"I didn't. She did" He said as he leaned on the door frame. His broad shoulders slumped as he fidgeted with the end of his sash tying his clothes together.

"What do you mean?" It was painful for you to speak. A task that required effort and energy.

You had neither.

"There is a thing called a Torikku berry. It basically tricks a person into doing whatever the first thing they hear is." He looked at you trying to see if you caught on to what he was saying. Your eyebrows were furrowed in confusion so he kept speaking.

"When you left, she made me tea. I thought it was a simple friendly gesture but she put a Torikku berry into it, I thought it tasted off but I didn't mind." He took a deep breath and folded his arms across his chest. "The first thing I heard was 'Love me Haku' and all of a sudden I was dragging her to that shop while ripping her clothes off. I couldn't control my body. I was horrified at what was happening and I wanted to stop, knowing that if you found us you wouldn't understand and it would break your heart...." he stood up straighter meeting your glazed eyes.

"I never did it to hurt you Y/N. I didn't do it out of my own free will. I don't love Chihiro, maybe I did once but I forgot about her." He stepped into the room never breaking eye contact with you. He leaned over the bed so his lips were mere centimetres from yours.

"But I know I'll never forget you" he whispered, his breath grazing your skin as he spoke.

"I'm sorry" you said breathlessly. You couldn't comprehend what he just told you, but you knew it wasn't a lie. He was being honest.

He pressed his index finger to your lips. "Don't be sorry Love, just fucking kiss me already" and with those words your lips smashed together in a frenzy to be close to each other. Haku was careful to not touch your injuries, as his hands cupped your face and he kept his weight off of your body. You could only lift one arm as the other was broken.

You wrapped your free arm around his neck, gasping for air as the pair of you washed away the pain with love and heavy breathing.

When he finally pulled away, which felt way too soon for your liking. The doctor walked in to see Haku and you gazing into each other's eyes while he twirled your hair around his fingers.

"I have to treat her Master Haku..." the doctor spoke timidly as she waited by the door. Haku nodded and kissed your forehead before turning on his heel, as he was about to walk through the doors he blew a kiss back at you.

"Idiot" you chuckled as he disappeared from sight. The doctor came in and began to asses you. Wrapping your wounds in bandages and cleaning your scratches.

•1 hour later•

The doctor was pale as she walked back through the door. "Ma'am when was your last period...?" She asked hesitantly as she clasped her hands together, her knuckles were turning white.

"I... don't remember... it was like... oh my god. It was at least three months ago" you whispered as you stared wide eyed at the doctor. She nodded and left the room. You lay on the bed scared and shocked.

Am I pregnant!?

The doctor reappeared with a bandaged up Haku. He wore no shirt as his wound were on his stomach. She ushered for Haku to sit down as she paced back and forth.

"What's wrong ?" You asked, the anxiety building in your throat. Haku grasped your hand in his as his foot tapped on the floor in nervousness.

"You were pregnant" the doctor exclaimed as she turned around to face you. The colour drained from your face, Hakus grip on your hand tightened and you saw he too had become pale.

"Were...?" He whispered as the doctor nodded sadly.

"She lost the baby"

Not every story has a happy ending.


Well that was a LONG time coming...



Stay tuned for an update, it'll be full of info on my surprise so MAKE SURE TO CHECK IT OUT GOT IT!?!?!

So for the last time,

Cookies and cream,


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