Chapter 14- Not a Chance

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You stood staring at his eyes. Those eyes that sent you into a pure bliss of hope and a wanting for what could be. His blue eyes were searching yours, for... something. You let out a relieved gasp, returning to your human form and wrapping your arms around him.

"Oh Haku! You have no idea how much I've missed you..." you spoke into his neck, tickling him. "I know   Y/N, I've missed you too" his voice was warm and inviting. You felt yourself calm and your pulse had slowed down remarkably. You were humming a soft tune feeling yourself slipping...



Your eyes snapped open as you felt his teeth biting into your shoulder. You pushed against his hard chest as he stumbled back. You stared at him mouth open and eyes wide.

No, it.

You could see it now, the coldness in its eyes, the twitching of each finger and the slight tilt of its head.

That wasn't Haku.

It's jaw opened and kept opening, his eyes went black and his limbs grew into a grotesque thing. Your eyes widened as you leaped backwards, returning to the dragon and began running on all fours towards the nearest door. The heavy footsteps thundering behind you were changing... morphing into something new.

Something evil.

It outstretched it's arms in a mock of a welcoming hug.

"Come here Y/N." it ordered inching closer. You gulped and searched for any apparent weaknesses. He wasn't looking at your eyes but rather at your paws and your lower neck... perhaps trying to predict your next move?... but that was your opening.

And you were going to take it.  

Lunging at Shadow, you went straight for its neck. The place where it would least expect it. You were proved correct as your teeth sank into its form. It let out a screeching pain and surprise. It writhes in your strong hold but you never let up. Your jaw was beginning to ache but just a little longer and...


The thing was a puddle on the ground dissipating as quickly as it came. You shivered and turned, you tried to get the sensation of biting it out of your head.


You headed for Yubaba's office. It was a respected place in the house, and no one went up without permission.

That is of course with exception when you were summoned, or in this case barged your way in.

You were soon at the many doors that led to Yubaba's dwellings. You opened the first door to find you were being lifted off the ground and flown through the doors, smacking into each and every one of them. You curled up making your back take the majority of the hits as you crashed through the hall being pulled by a strange force. It felt like a hundred hands pulled on your fur in an attempt to find purchase as if yanked you through the corridors.

You fell to the ground, tumbling trying to find your bearings. Once your vision cleared you looked around the once spotless, well lit room. Now, it was a deserted heap. You grimaced and stepped carefully through the mess. Your paws were small so it was easy to avoid shards of glass. Hearing a stifled moan, your head lifted immediately, scanning the room.

What in the-?....

Haku. The real Haku was on the desk, bloody bruised and broken. He had a collar around his neck tying him down. You winced as his sad, defeated eyes met yours. Such eyes had held so much happiness and hope once upon a time.

But that was it.

Once upon a time.

Everything has its time and this seemed to be Haku's.


This is where the Shadows have their time. You stalked forward seeing the shadows shift behind the boy in front of you. He studied you with wild eyes and then gasped, a weak strangled gasp. "Y-Y/N!?" He choked out scrambling around trying to break the bondage's. "Run! Get out and leave the House!Don't come back I'll be fine-" He shouted meekly trying to get free and put some sense into your head.

Not a chance.


It annoys me that I didn't have more content in these short chapters. But alas, you live an learn.

- AA


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