Chapter 6- Hold Your Breath

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You stared, your mouth agape. The scene before you unfurling like a tiger about to catch his prey between his jaws of viciousness and hunger. You tried to scream a warning but your breath hitches.





You gain control of your body as Haku is slammed into a wall. "TELL ME WHERE IT IS" the ugly creature before you screams. What could you do!? Haku was a heaving mess on the floor. It seemed this man attracted  trouble wherever he went. Assessing the situation you noticed that the creature was aware of your presence. The best way to tackle this was to shock it- surprise attack? You let out a battle cry and lunge for the spirit. Haku was sucking strangled air into his winded lungs. "N-no...! Y-Y/N!" He whispered breathlessly with new blood stains on his bandages. "This is my fight! G-go a-away!" He tried to stand but fell. This only made you more protective.

You jumped on the spirits back, wrapping your arms and legs around it. "Get out!!!" You screeched as you tightened your hold. It was a feeble attempt but the spirit was not expecting it. "Get off me kid!!!" It screeched as it clawed at your back. You grimaced with the feeling of your skin scratching underneath the spirits long dirty nails, but tightened your grip on its neck. You didn't believe that the choke would work but slowly and surely the spirit started to stumble.

And tumble.

And then it was a heap on the ground.

You jumped up and stared wide eyed at your vicious work. A shiver ran down your spine as the adrenaline pumped through your veins.

Well, that happened.

You returned your attention to Haku as he stared wide eyed at your handy work. He was worse than before. Absolutely demolished, blood and bruises were all over his face and body. Your heart felt like it splintered in two as you took a step forward and he pushed against the wall tighter. "Y-Y-Y/N g-go away" he said hoarsely. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Haku... I'll help you, don't worry-" you whispered gently. His eyes were still wide as he stared at you. Your feet were heavy and you felt you weighed three times what you did. Your heart was splintered and your stomach twisted. You didn't understand what and why this was happening but that cloud of confusion in your head just kept growing and growing. "N-no! L-Leave m-me h-h-here" Haku forced outt the words in a rough voice. You felt like a deadly disease was worming it's way through your veins.



"That's not happening. I'm here to take care of you AND help you. No questions" you said affirmatively. You heaved your way towards him as he scrambled to stand up. He is weak but he manages to stand up straight wincing from the pain that his face is contorted with. "Go- away" he whispers dryly, trying to sound his usual self.

Not a chance.

You move closer to him, his breath can be felt on your face and your heart thundered with the prospect. As you moved to undo a bandage he growled and shoved you away. "What the he-" was all you managed before lights out.

Haku doesn't want you.

Alrighty!!! I hope that you guys enjoy the story. I'm really trying to get chapters out but right now my life is in a heap XD. Please spread the name of my story around because I will try my best to get more stuff out. Buh baiiiiiiii!!!


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