Chapter 6

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It has been two weeks and no word from anyone, Emma tried calling me assorted times but I can't bring myself to talk with her, not after concealing the truth from her.

Chance has been trying to make me go crazy, going as far as to officially make me his maid, doing his laundry, cleaning, and cooking.

But I can't complain because after all, he is letting me stay in his house, I can't give up on him just yet he still loves me deep down I can feel it by the emotion he shows sometimes.

I have been able to get in touch with a doctor and today is my first appointment with the doctor, my baby bump is not yet noticeable but I feel hardness on my lower abdomen.

It has been stressful these past few days rating worst with all my morning sickness, mood swings but I am coping with the idea of bringing a new life into this world.

It is amazing and it also scares me not having any idea about the first thing on being a mother, and that the more reason I decided to register online, all about being a mother and also buying maternity books.

But I still wish my mum and Sylvia were here to give me all the support during this time of pregnancy.

I finish washing the dirty dishes before deciding to get ready for my appointment with the doctor.

Checking the time I only have 1 hour to get ready which is more than enough.

I took a short shower before changing into a pink sweater and ripped jeans before picking up my purse and living the house towards the bus stop but not without telling Chance I am off.

I just wish he could come with me but he doesn't care, I ask him to accompany me but all he did was to walk out on me and he has been doing this lately and it is taking all my willpower not to snap.

It took me 30 minutes to get to the hospital, I always hated going to the hospital it doesn't give me good vibes seeing sick people or the aura of medicine everywhere.

I walk into the waiting room where I was given a card and asked to wait, after 20 minutes of waiting I was asked to see the doctor.

Moving my lazy self into the office I was greeted by a lady doctor with black hair reaching her shoulders and beautiful shining brown eyes.

"hello how are you doing ?" she asks with a smile.

"feeling okay" I replied smiling taking a seat opposite hers.

"you must be Shiloh Sante " Sante is my public name since Dad hides my identity from the public, I don't know why he did it but maybe he feels I will one day bring disgrace to his name.

she says bringing her hand for a friendly handshake in which I comply "I am doctor Anna Carson. Please lay on that bed over there "she says pointing towards a little size bed.

After the test and all, she prescribed some drugs and vitamins for me before letting me return to the house.

I drop my bag on the little stool before laying flat on the couch tired from today's stress.

"Girl you have some explaining to do, " Emma asserted almost causing my heart to fly out of my chest while coming towards me with her hands crossed over her chest and eyebrows raised.

I cracked up nervously sitting up looking everywhere but her "what are you doing here lectures start not until till next tomorrow"

"Shiloh "she warns with skepticism "I am worried about you, Shiloh please talk to me," she says taking my hands with imploring eyes.

"where is everyone ?" I questioned looking towards the steps.

Emma sigh loudly "they are in Chance's room," she says with a scowl thinking I was trying to change the subject.

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