Chapter 28

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Have you ever been confronted with a question on your mind but you keep running away wishing it will just uphold until you had the answer.

And here I am with Mum Eliana, Shane, Chole, and a nurse in my room all staring at me while I gape as a horse caught on a headlight.

"Shiloh?" Chole calls snapping into my thought " what name are you giving to the baby?" She asks with a smile on her face.

If only she knows what dilemma I am in with just that simple topic, don't get me erroneous I have a first name for this baby but I can't seem to make a discussion on the last name, and that is when my dilemma started.

But come to think of it should not be cogitating over this matter because my last name Sante should be perfect but then again I can't let my son have a last name which brings the thought of loneliness and not of a Family.

Putting that aside, leaving My family's last name Dante and Mum Eliana's last name Cristian or on second thought Sante would be a better option.

" um...umm... His name would be " I say giving Mum Eliana an anxious look while holding the baby to my chest.

I close my eyes for a few minutes taking a deep breath before looking down at the familiar hazel eyes bringing a wide smile to my lip.

I press a tender kiss on his forehead mumbling something against his forehead before resting on the pillow against the headboard.

"His name is Wilmer Berney Cristian," I say before grinning widely.

"That is a beautiful name dear," Mum Eliana says with a soft smile while Chole places a supportive hand on my shoulder.

"Here fill in the details on this form," the nurse standing beside Shane says handing over a form to me with a smile on her lip.

" Okay," I full in the name of the baby before writing my name and then signing.

My hand came to a stop between ticking check on the single parents' block or both parents before gazing on the space provided for the father's name and signature.

Before I could tick on the single parents block Mum Eliana pull the form and pen away " I will fill in the rest information" she says leaving me bewildered " I wish I could spend today with you and my grandson but I have to go through on this business trip," she placed a tender kiss on Wilmer's head before locking gaze with Chole" I need to have a word with you before leaving" she demands receiving a low yes from Chole.

"Have a safe trip" I call after her wishing her goodbye as she walks towards the door with the nurse and Chole behind her.

I sigh audibly, finally, I am leaving this hospital after spending three more days here " take this" Shane says placing a brown bag on the bed containing my clothes and some other necessity before taking Wilmer from me.

"Thanks for being here and also for the clothes" I gave an apologetic smile since he had to leave the restaurant just to be here.

"I am only doing this to get you to start working at the restaurant once again " I laugh before getting off the bed with his help.

I walk into the bathroom attached to the room before taking my bath and then changing into a purple blouse, blue jeans pairing it up with a black slipper.

" you don't know how happy I am to get rid of this hospital gown and finally be in my clothes and not this horrible gown," I say walking out of the bathroom before folding the gown and then placing it neatly on the bed.

"So what are your plans?" I move towards the couch taking a seat beside him while watching him play with Wilmer.

"With the help of Summer and Emma, I was able to rent an affordable house with some of the money I made" I explain.

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