Chapter 17

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Nicholas Hoult as Shane Alden( picture above)

The atmosphere is suffocating with tension and awkwardness only for me I guess because everyone seemed relaxed.

"No problem dear," Mr colt says with a smile that is so unusual coming from him.

We ate in silence. Well, I ate in silence feeling out of place being here, the food passing through my throat felt like stones almost bringing tears into my eyes, but I forced myself in taking every bite of the food even with my appetite gone.

Everyone shared dialogue with ease around me while putting in short words when needed.

This went on for a few minutes before Mr colt clears his voice gaining our attention with a smile full of pride on his lips" Chance and Sam's engagement party would be one week from now" he announces glancing at Chance and Sam with the same smile filled with pride glowing on his countenance.

"I feel the need to notify you, his friends since you all are like family to Chance," he says staring at everyone before his eyes lock with mine for a few minutes.

It's ironic how the heart can still get hurt by something you've seen coming and right now it feels difficult seating here when what I need is to close my eyes and forget my reality even for a few seconds.

I blink back the glimmer of tears in my eyes uncomfortable with the sympathetic looks I am currently receiving from Mum Elaina, Emma, Damien, and Louis.

Not being able to take it anymore I pull my chair back before clearing my voice from cracking when I speak " please excuse me I need to use the lavatory " I say before leaving towards the guests' bathroom.

I know it seems pathetic leaving in that manner but I need closure to calm my raging emotion before I bust out crying in front of everyone.

Pushing the bathroom door open I stepped in walking towards the sink staring into the mirror.

Maybe it still hurts because I had hoped there was a chance he still loves me even if it means ending the engagement but my hope came crashing down knowing his father is in support without acknowledging me being pregnant for his son.

Chance always heeds to his father meaning if his father is in support then I am fighting a lost battle, but my heart kept nagging me to hold on but then my mind seems to be the logical one.

I took a deep relaxing breath still staring into the mirror "so what happens from here?" I ask the question taunting me but receiving silence in reply.

I splash little water on my face before removing my makeup because I don't need to look pretty on a good day gone bad.

I breathe in to calm myself before leaving, taking my time walking through the hallway.

"Shiloh" Mr. Colt's voice calls walking towards me with a hard stare directed my way making me stop on my step.

He was dressed in his usual business clothes making him look intimidating.

I wipe my sweaty palm on my gown trying not to seem apprehensive when all I feel is running from here never to return" yes Mr. Colt" I say patting my back mentally for speaking confidently.

"Come with me," he instructs walking towards the stairs which lead to his office.

I walk fast to keep up with his long strides before he pushes the door walking into his vast office, and decorated with the best furniture.

I took a seat across from him, my heart thumping so loudly, I won't be surprised if he could hear it.

"I can see you are pregnant for my son, " he says locking his hands together on the table " but you see I have many plans laid down for Chance after he graduates this year," he says calmly but his words had hidden motives.

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