Chapter 34

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But he still kept moving towards us" okay you leave me with no option" Blake says pressing the gun harder on my temple about to pull the trigger

A gun sound rings piercing my ear as pain travels through my body making me feel numb" Dad" I scream closing my eyes.


Please let it not be, please God let it not be.

My knees and hands collide with the ground as Blake loses his grip on me.

Tears run down my cheeks with my eyes closed with slight pain running through my body from when Blake hit the gun against my head.

I winch in pain before covering my mouth stopping myself from sobbing " relax everyone is okay now" Chance says running his hand over my back in a soothing manner.

Chance?, I blink my eye open focusing my gaze on him on his knees in front of me" what going on?" I ask in confusion seeing the police van and an ambulance parked.

"Everything is okay, Blake is dead and your Dad is over there talking with the head police," he says pointing towards the nurses placing Blake on a bed into the ambulance before pointing towards my Dad speaking with a police officer in his car.

I stare in shock and confusion as they place Blake into the van before shutting the door" How?" I ask still in shock.

"We played his plan against him," he says helping me up " his plan was garbage, I arrived here before he got here and the police were just behind your Dad waiting for the right time to shoot the shot," he says with a smug look.

"Excuse me we need to tend to your injuries," a nurse says gaining my attention before I could give a reply to Chance.

"It's fine, it's just a little scratch," I say dusting off the dirt on my clothes.

"But you are bleeding so I advise you to come with me," she says before pointing towards my forehead.

I winch placing my finger on my temple feeling for any injury before looking at my finger finding blood on it.

" Thanks, I will meet you over there," I say with a smile pointing towards the ambulance before watching her walk away.

I divert my eyes towards the watchful gaze of Chance" Shiloh could we like talk after you tend to your injuries" he asked nervously.

I cough slightly stopping myself from stuttering" Thanks so much for everything it means a lot" I say sincerely with a smile ignoring his question.

"I am glad I was able to help," he says running his hand through his hair nervously " Shiloh I can't pretend everything is okay between us after every wrong I did against you," he says with guilt in his eyes.

"Chance let not do this right here," I say tiredly brushing my hand over my forehead.

"Please just give me a few minutes I am trying to make things right here," he says furtively.

I try blinking back the frustrating tears before looking away not finding the confidence to look into his eyes filled with regret and sadness making the bags under his eyes more noticeable.

I try blinking back the frustrating tears before looking away not finding the confidence to look into his eyes filled with regret and sadness making the bags under his eyes more noticeable

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