Chapter 36

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After leaving Chance's office I made my way to the pizzeria where I work to see Mrs.Rose concerning my resignation, I think this is for the best.

After greeting my coworkers with them asking over my warfare after the incident that happened I make way into Mrs.Rose's office.

"Miss Shiloh," she says placing a magazine which she was reading on the desk with a pleasant smile on her lip.

A smile appears on my lip as I walk towards her desk" I heard about what happened, are you okay?" She inquiries before pulling me into her welcoming embrace.

Mrs.Rose is a very generous woman who has our workers welfare in mind and is always willing to help, she a lady in her thirties with black short hair, with an average height having beautiful gray eyes, her husband is the owner of this pizzeria shop but she more like the owner to me.

"Everything is fine," I say smiling widely before taking a seat opposite her desk.

"That good to hear," she says taking her seat" so are you here to resume working?"

"No actually I came here to drop this," I say placing a brown envelope on her desk.

She takes it with a confused look" what is this" she asks confused.

"This my resignation letter," I say

She pulls the paper from the envelope reading through it before placing it back on the desk" okay I won't ask what your reason are, I trust you thought hard on this" she says folding her hands on the desk" I wish you the best just take very good care of yourself"

"Thank you, I will be taking my leave now, Thank you once again for this opportunity," I say sincerely.

She stands to her feet pulling me into a hug before letting me walk out, I wave goodbye to my now ex-coworkers before walking to my car parked just outside.

My next stop will be the restaurant.

I park my car in the parking lot before getting down"Summer" I call walking towards the kitchen.

"Hey, how are you doing?" She says with a broad smile" sorry I couldn't come yesterday to see how you were doing"

"No need to be sorry, Chole told me how you always drop by to check on Wilmer, " I say with a smile before pulling her into a hug" So thank you"

"You are welcome," she says pulling back with a very wide grin on her lips" what are you doing here by the way? You should be resting at home," she says with her eyebrow raised questionably.

"I am here to see Shane, is he in his office?" I ask fixing my bag on my shoulder.

"Yeah he is in there," she says pointing towards his office door.

I reply with a nod before walking towards the door, I knock on the door twice before hearing a come-in from him.

Pushing the door open I walk in seeing him with his face buried behind a newspaper before walking towards his desk taking a seat on the couch.

He sighs loudly placing the newspaper on the desk" Shiloh" He says finally noticing my presence.

I laugh lightly seeing the shocked expression on his face before changing into one of concern" Shiloh are you alright? Chole told me about what happened"

"I am fine now" I shrug.

"That is great news, we were all so worried about your safety," he says looking more relaxed" I am so glad you are safe"

"Yeah, me too" I open my bag bringing out a white envelope" Shane you are like an older brother to me, I remember how you took a stand in letting me work here even with your father discouraging words about me being pregnant," I say with sincerity.

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